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Felicia Davin
I write romance & scifi/fantasy about bisexuals of various genders + a newsletter about words & books called Word Suitcase. PhD in French literature, non-practicing intellectual. Bi, she/they,
1.1k followers470 following3.1k posts
Reposted by Felicia Davin

We're four days into the most significant natural disaster in the recorded history of our region. Our community is experiencing an ongoing crisis created by infrastructural collapse and the profound failure of capitalism to value and sustain life. 1/?

A photo of Firestorm Books' front door. Cardboard signs taped to the glass read: "Info & Resource Sharing, Daily 12-4. Please do not leave donations outside of this time frame. Community meetings @ 2pm around back in parking lot area. Community Board: Share info, requests, resources, etc." Inside the building piles of supplies are visible.
Reposted by Felicia Davin

so the small northern archipelago I live on has been burning coal for energy for more than 140 years and now doesn't any more. I can't get over how incredible that is: if your lights are on, that's probably sunlight, wind, or water, and it isn't coal.

UK to close last coal power station after 142 years
UK to close last coal power station after 142 years

The UK's last coal power station, Ratcliffe-on-Soar, is due to end operations on Monday.

Reposted by Felicia Davin

Most of the people freaking out at her just don't want criticism of policy on Palestine and immigration to be salient because they know it's indefensible on the merits and don't want to just resort to "you have to vote anyway" even though that's a normal argument.


All blame, no credit! But perhaps this is a me problem, and other people have no trouble taking credit. Anyway, this weekend we endured tantrums about such things as ā€œbeing given the snack that was requested.ā€ Itā€™s hard to be 2.5 years old, but it ainā€™t easy being 37 either, kiddo.


So real indeed. Iā€™m not good at being a parent either. It feels like itā€™s possible (too possible!) to be /bad/ at it, in myriad ways, but almost impossible to be good at it? Like, when something goes wrong itā€™s because I should have acted differently, but when something goes right, itā€™s luck


we buy food mostly from a local co-op because Iā€™m trying to be a good person or whatever. but their gross ā€œboth sidesā€ response to being asked to de-shelve Israeli products in accordance with BDS makes me feel like maybe I should BDS them šŸ™ƒ


for me TikTok commits the additional crime of its scroll between videos making me motion sick. the most absolute of Nopes


Really excited about this development! It would be great news any day but today especially itā€™s a bright spot among a lot of grim headlines. Would love to see more countries follow this example.


I donā€™t recall finding it confusing, but I might need more specifics about which parts had you confused. Character names vs titles?


never gonna like instagram because I want my apps to be SILENT. I unmute my phone for one video from a friend and then in scrolling it turns out my whole feed is a cacophony of unnecessary bits of autoplaying songs? a horror. mute that shit immediately

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Felicia Davin
I write romance & scifi/fantasy about bisexuals of various genders + a newsletter about words & books called Word Suitcase. PhD in French literature, non-practicing intellectual. Bi, she/they,
1.1k followers470 following3.1k posts