Daniel Martin
One of many, many people with this particular "real name"
73 followers59 following1.3k posts

Also, saved clay tablets likely wouldn't have survived unless they'd been fired in a kiln. So why are all these tablets he saved still around? Two possibilities I can think of: - he wanted to keep them, so fired them himself, OR - he pissed people off enough that they burned his office down


if I recall correctly his house burned, but actually there are plenty of unfired clay tablets. Clay mostly keeps its shape even when wet as long as it doesn't get disturbed. I've found mammoth footprints in blue clay that were ~12 thousand years old next to a river, so they were plenty wet


Wasn’t it so you could sort of chisel the original message off and use it for another message?

Daniel Martin
One of many, many people with this particular "real name"
73 followers59 following1.3k posts