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Flagons & Fables
A Roleplaying Game Channel
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Sigh Rules lawyers enough said.... #DnD#DungeonsandDragons#D&D#Funny#Meme#players#warlock


So Half elves are out then? I can think of a bunch of authors that don't agree with that nonsense! Comment below if you think its bull that they are straight up removing Half elves and other mixed races! #DnD#DungeonsandDragons#D&D#Funny#Meme#halfelf#wtf#halforc


Ah yes these are accurate but good luck guessing which one each is! I know it took me a second or two.... #DnD#DungeonsandDragons#D&D#Funny#Meme#players#warlock


I know i see waaaay to many of the first and far to little of the second type. What type am I you ask? I am the noble second type. I will black knight my way into game. Literally nothing short of the hand of GOD will stop me! #DnD#DungeonsandDragons#D&D#Funny#Meme#players

Reposted by Flagons & Fables

take me home country toads


This demon haunts me always. He lurks in my nightmares and stalks my waking moments. Its not a matter of IF he gets you it WHEN he gets you! #DnD#D&D#Roleplaying#funny#meme#relatable#nat1#nat20


Wow that really does hurt. Who else felt bad instead of laughing comment below. This one got me straight into the feels. #DnD#D&D#Roleplaying#funny#meme#relatable#dog#comic

Reposted by Flagons & Fables

Had a peek at PHB 2024 and... honestly?

Screencaps from The Office (US) used as a meme format.
First picture shows a person holding two pictures - the cover for the DnD 5E Player's Handbook and DnD 2024 Player's Handbook - and captions read "Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture."

Second panel shows the character Pam answering "They're the same picture."

There is probably a Sorcerer or Wizard in there too as ammo for the tank. Would that make them the gunner? #DnD#D&D#Roleplaying#funny#meme#artifcer#sorcerer#wizard#bard#nonsense


I have see this a well levels 1 to 4 are like the most dangerous time to be a DnD Character. The chances of being one shot are still real and you don't have a lot of tools to staff safe. After that though..... #DnD#D&D#Roleplaying#funny#meme#encounters#players#vecna#strahd

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Flagons & Fables
A Roleplaying Game Channel
2 followers3 following23 posts