The Marlins Not-Enjoyer
I do posting. I didn’t say I do it well.
27 followers27 following140 posts A+ Chapo appearance, that whole part about Loomer had me on the floor

Reposted by The Marlins Not-Enjoyer

This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.

Reposted by The Marlins Not-Enjoyer

He is risen

Spock is pictured in a white robe, standing surrounded by the TOS crew, but this is from the movie The Search for Spock. Sulu is touching Spock's chest and smiling. Uhura, Chekov, Scotty, Bones, and Kirk are also surrounding Spock, all looking very happy. Spock is staring say Kirk, for obvious reasons.
Reposted by The Marlins Not-Enjoyer

A pediatrician’s two weeks inside a hospital in Gaza

And if I could offer an example around how that manifests: a seven-year-old had deep lacerations to his leg and needed some suturing. It wasn’t a life or death case—it was very simple—but the only pain relief we had was Motrin, which was frankly cruel, and a cruel undertaking. There was no ketamine. And so I tried to use one of my pediatric tools as a distraction. And so I had a light flasher, but he wasn’t interested in any of those designs that I put on the wall. So I tried to distract him from the pain. Usually what I would do is ask questions like, “So who’s your best friend?” I can’t ask that because what if his best friend’s dead? “What’s your favorite subject at school?” He hasn’t been to school in three months. “What’s your favorite food?” I don’t know when the last time he ate would be. Every single facet of their society has been ripped apart. ♦
The Marlins Not-Enjoyer
I do posting. I didn’t say I do it well.
27 followers27 following140 posts