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Photographing wildflowers here in Colorado. 🌿😬 @FRWildflowers on iNaturalist & Twitter
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Here’s a Pinyon Pine (Pinus edulis) cone I harvested last week along the banks of the Arkansas. It contained 9 nuts which are hard to crack open w/o practice. The native’s diet depended partly on harvesting these high in polyunsaturated fats nuts. The cones are full of resin which they burned off. 🌿

Pinyon pine cone and nuts before separating the nuts from the cone, which is full of sticky pine resin
Nine pine nuts before shelling
A shelled pine nut next to five others. It took time to figure out how to shell them, smashing the nuts like a clove of garlic works poorly resulting in a pasty mix of shell fragments and the fatty edible part. One has to crease the shell with a knife, I found, which is labor intensive. Obviously there’s a better way I’ve not yet figured out.

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Photographing wildflowers here in Colorado. 🌿😬 @FRWildflowers on iNaturalist & Twitter
1.1k followers198 following6.5k posts