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Grant Haines
evolutionary bio postdoc at HĆ³lar University. fish stuff mostly, but not exclusively. Skip emeritus of Colgate University curling team. Formerly: McGill, W&M, Colgate Bethlehemite (PA)
153 followers347 following441 posts

Ok, but even in the Harris econ plan, there are not many proposals. Itā€™s in giant font and largely graphs of stuff that already happened. In the 6 pg section on energy there is an intro touting oil prod., 2 pgs of graphs, 1 of stats on the IRA, and 1 nominally on proposals, but really on the IRA.

Most substantive part of the Harris energy plan, on pg 29 of this report

I agree that racism and sexism is probably a good chunk of it. But there are definitely people who wait until the last minute and will go to the candidateā€™s websites to see what they think, and are just going to find a bunch of vague platitudes. ā€œHave plansā€ is a pretty low bar to clear!


Itā€™s kind of like picking a mechanic. I donā€™t really know anything about cars or how to evaluate whether someone else knows anything about cars. But I still want the guy working on my vehicle to be able to clearly tell me what is wrong and how heā€™s going to fix it.


Thatā€™s right, but the undecideds at this point are not single issue voters, or people who are really informed about any particular policy issue. They are not going to have well thought out positions, but itā€™s reasonable for them to expect the candidates to have well thought out positions.


This is generally correct. At the same time, Harris has published little info about plans on climate, and what exists is very vague. This is a key policy domain for the young people they need to vote, and even those who canā€™t evaluate the merits of a plan probably still want to know that one exists.


Reading a limno paper that is, without any explanation, using Ā°C to indicate temperature, but K to indicate increments of temperature. Why would anyone do this?


Is cave limnology a thing? This is outside my area of expertise, but I just got some cool field data back on thermal gradients and have no idea where to look to read up on this. Anyone know journals or authors I should check out?

Reposted by Grant Haines

Three Kinds of Research

Reposted by Grant Haines

The lava fountains in this eruption in Svartsengi volcano are reaching around 90 meters high up in the air. High enough to damage drones that are flying at that altitude.

Lava spewing from the ground in high lava fountains on Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland. The highest lava fountain is reaching up to 90 meters up in the air.
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Grant Haines
evolutionary bio postdoc at HĆ³lar University. fish stuff mostly, but not exclusively. Skip emeritus of Colgate University curling team. Formerly: McGill, W&M, Colgate Bethlehemite (PA)
153 followers347 following441 posts