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Gene J. Mikulka
Founded the Talking Space Podcast in 2009. Immersed in spaceflight since the Apollo days, Space Advocate and lovebird Dad. All Opinions are mine alone and don't reflect the position of the podcast.
247 followers232 following1.2k posts

Bluesky now has over 10 million users, and I was #142,589!

A virtual certificate with text "Celebrating 10M users on Bluesky, #142,589, Gene J. Mikulka ‪‬, joined on Jun 21, 2023"
Reposted by Gene J. Mikulka

The Moon Dressed Like Saturn - © Francisco Sojuel - PicHD PicAbout Astronomy Picture Of the 🔭 READ MORE 🔭

Why does Saturn appear so big? It doesn't -- what is pictured are foreground clouds on Earth crossing in front of the Moon. The Moon shows a slight crescent phase with most of its surface visible by reflected Earthlight, known as Da Vinci glow. The Sun directly illuminates the brightly lit lunar crescent from the bottom, which means that the Sun must be below the horizon and so the image was taken before sunrise.  This double take-inducing picture was captured on 2019 December 24, two days before the Moon slid in front of the Sun to create a solar eclipse. In the foreground, lights from small Guatemalan towns are visible behind the huge volcano Pacaya.    Your Sky Surprise: What picture did APOD feature on your birthday? (post 1995)
Reposted by Gene J. Mikulka

Sep Astronomy 3-New Moon 5-Mercury g elongation 5-Moon v Venus 6-Moon occs Spica(E Africa) 8-Saturn opp 9-Mercury 30'N Regulus 10-Moon occ Antares(Australia) 17-Moon occ Saturn(N America) 18-Full Moon+partial eclipse(Atlantic) 22-Equinox 22-Moon occ M45(N America) 27-Comet A3 T-ATLAS perihelion

Partial eclipse
Reposted by Gene J. Mikulka
Reposted by Gene J. Mikulka

over 500k new users in the last two days 🤯

Reposted by Gene J. Mikulka

Daily bunny no.2917 has some new neighbors

A trio of bunnies moves a ton of furniture into an apartment, which is currently strewn about the sidewalk. From the balcony opposite their apartment building, a different bunny watches them anxiously
Reposted by Gene J. Mikulka

Commissioning camera: ✅ With ComCam reinstalled, we have 2 out 3 main telescope components in place! In just a few weeks, summit staff will install the 8.4-meter primary/tertiary mirror—and Rubin will finally have a complete telescope system for the first time! 🔭🧪 🔗:

Reinstalling Rubin Observatory's commissioning camera #shorts
Reinstalling Rubin Observatory's commissioning camera #shorts

The commissioning camera is a 144 Mpx version of Rubin's3200 Mpx LSST Camera that is used for testing and troubleshooting purposes. It was reinstalled onto t...


Emerald and Maxine wish all, peace #TheDailyLovebird

Reposted by Gene J. Mikulka

With 🔭 🧪

Artist’s concept of spiral galaxy at the center of a much larger spherical halo of stars, with ground-based photograph pulled out to show details of the central core and spiral arms. View of the galaxy is halfway between face-on and edge-on, with disk oriented 45 degrees counter-clockwise from horizontal. Artist’s Concept: Galaxy core is whitish yellow, circled by a brownish purple disk. Grainy white halo enveloping the disk is dense and bright near the center, becoming more diffuse and fading out with distance from the main disk. Halo is mottled with a wispy cloud-like appearance, suggesting variations in density of stars. Halo covers an area of sky about 250 times greater than main disk. Photo: Telescope zoom into galaxy core and disk, outlined in yellow, shows brown dust lanes tracing spiral arms that wrap clockwise around fuzzy core; cloud-like patches of blue and red; star-like points of light of various size and brightness. Galaxy is 45 times larger in zoom than in illustration.
Reposted by Gene J. Mikulka

👀👀👀 A new long-period radio transient! The population grows! GLEAM-X J 0704−37 has a period of 2.9 hours (longest period yet detected!) and is linearly polarized ... and ... it likely has an identified companion (an M3 Dwarf). Discovered in the archival low-frequency data from the MWA. 🔭🧪📡

A 2.9-hour periodic radio transient with an optical counterpart
A 2.9-hour periodic radio transient with an optical counterpart

We present a long-period radio transient (GLEAM-X J0704-37) discovered to have an optical counterpart, consistent with a cool main sequence star of spectral type M3. The radio pulsations occur at...

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Gene J. Mikulka
Founded the Talking Space Podcast in 2009. Immersed in spaceflight since the Apollo days, Space Advocate and lovebird Dad. All Opinions are mine alone and don't reflect the position of the podcast.
247 followers232 following1.2k posts