Giant Pain in the Ass
Joined Twitter to follow journalists that left Gawker, Splinter, Deadspin and Jalopnik, and to vent in relative anonymity. Now doing that here because Elon ruined Twitter.
85 followers415 following1.1k posts

...assume that they'd all be racist and/or stupid enough to do the same thing


Hang on a minute, I'm going to check with the union members among my friends and family to see if it's more condescending to say mean things about a specific group of workers who have expressed their support for Trump or to lump the whole "working class" together and...


If some silly shit like "feeling condescended towards" is sufficient to motivate someone to support a wannabe dictator and obvious white supremacist, they're welcome to feel that way and can go suck a bag of dicks while they're at it.


Can you blame them? One candidate wants to make it easier for your boss to stiff you and the other wants to make others more comfortable reprimanding you if you casually use a slur or tell a racist joke! How badly do these guys want to tell racist jokes anyway?


I blame Terrell Suggs


For us it runs in the family but I think the pandemic made it worse.


Hang in there! There's a lot of that going around and we've had our share of difficulties as well. Our eldest is on the spectrum and was having some mild ocd stuff for a while, and our youngest has started having terrible rages, like toddler tantrums but she's 9.


Stupid phone


"Building?" I meant bullshit!


Oh ffs. You'd think I'd stop being surprised by this kind of building at some point. I feel like a sucker every time.

Giant Pain in the Ass
Joined Twitter to follow journalists that left Gawker, Splinter, Deadspin and Jalopnik, and to vent in relative anonymity. Now doing that here because Elon ruined Twitter.
85 followers415 following1.1k posts