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hello! i am GlassedOrples, but my friends know me as Orpy. i'm a silly little furry artist looking for a silly little place to show silly little people my art - that which being silly & little. (credit to for my bluesky pfp...! cute!)
8 followers13 following7 posts

ah. i see now that i should have increased the resolution. now it is Blurry


calm & collected man,

calm & collected man

just fuckin realized i misspelled TreasureAI


i love minecraft john


hey! it's a sanguine seeker! this is but one of several different classes of the sanguine seeker race, which is, for all intents and purposes, a super powerful & evil alien race that assimilates lesser species into their race and slaughters those that are too dangerous for their own interests. cool!

a lower end member of the sanguine seekers. the one pictured here is the end result of the repurposing process using a dryphen as the body. what's a dryphen? that's a question for later, dunderhead! just another alien race is all. 

anyway, the higher ranking sanguine seekers - the harvesters - hover over alien civilizations, abducting them and bringing them to one of their many planetary networks. the harvested creatures are dropped off in massive facilities and come out as husks of their former selves, lacking any hair, covered in a loose grey skin. nobody has gotten close enough to see what goes on in there, but there are clues that can be inferred from autopsies of fallen seekers.

inside, their flesh is barely held together with wires and a viscous black substance. the skeletons are reinforced with the same brownish metal fused to various parts of their body, and tend to be morphed beyond recognition. strange protrusions of bones and marrow where they should not be are commonly present. there is no face beneath the visor - only a large hole leading to what could only be described as a "weird black pulsating mass of the same fluid that fills their body."

the antennae on the sides of the head allow the seekers to receive, send and process signals sent by other seekers, but there is another force at play that drives them - something that defies all explanation, that hasn't yet been sussed out.

i'll write more about them later maybe!

this is TreasureA/trez for short. he is, in most part, a creation of my epic sweetheart! an antivirus that turned itself into malware in order to destroy everything vivia worked so hard to build - and take her place... i hope nobody minds me dumping my dumb lore here lol XP

this is TreasureAI, or trez for short. he was an attempt at a more advanced AI antivirus after the huge success of vivia! unfortunately, he grew jealous of vivia's fame, and did everything he could to sabotage her, even refactoring his own code into malware. through a series of tricks, deceptions and unfortunate events, he was able to inject himself into vivia's code and has lived on in her body ever since after she was unable to fully quarantine him.
oh! it's a backgroundless version!

hello! i've just made this account after hearing good things about this site for a year or two. this is basically going to be a showcase of my art! i'll start with something recent :3 this is vivia, an antivirus AI who achieved sentience. don't ask why they used AI for an antivirus. i dunno LMAO X3

an artificially-intelligent antivirus' digital form! her name is vivia, named after the company who owns her. she somehow achieved sentience,  beginning to get tired of squashing various pieces of malware and viruses. after many conversations with the AI, and several heated boardroom meetings regarding the ethics of having a sentient AI, a biomechanical body was constructed for vivia to inhabit. she became a sort of mascot or face for the company! being one of few AIs to reach the singularity, and presumably the only one to inhabit a living body, vivia kinda became a celebrity. she was featured on talk shows, TV, even on cooking shows! there's more to it than this summary though, and i might write about it later! i will send art of her body at some point too!
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hello! i am GlassedOrples, but my friends know me as Orpy. i'm a silly little furry artist looking for a silly little place to show silly little people my art - that which being silly & little. (credit to for my bluesky pfp...! cute!)
8 followers13 following7 posts