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Glen Weatherhead Writes
🇨🇦 Fantasy Author | ⚔️ YA Fantasy Novel AmEditing | 📚 Book-wyrm | Blogging to Help Writers ⤵️
12 followers18 following46 posts

Oh yeah, I've read Tolkien (I say after reading The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and The Silmarillion) Looks up if he's written anything else... 👀 😅 #LordOfTheRings#LotR#Hobbit#Tolkien#Silmarillion#Fantasy#Books#Reading#Meme#Jokes


Just finished the 2nd draft of my High Fantasy novel! 🎉🎉🎉 Currently sitting at around 85,000 words 😁 Thanks to all the very cool people who cheered me on. I'm very grateful to have found this supportive group of writers and creatives! ☺️


With a late night editing session, I put a wrap on a "perfect" writing and editing week! 🎉 (In this context meaning I edited every week day this week, which hasn't happened since April 🙃) Only 15k words left to edit! 😁😁😁 How about you, any wins recently?


Like, what is this even! 👀 What makes me really happy is one of the videos is a tutorial and people seem to be liking it, which means maybe I helped some people out? That's what I'd like to think anyways 😁


You know how I said "I don't pay attention to numbers that much"? Well, I've been looking at my YouTube numbers a lot lately. Why? Because I'm honestly shocked that there's a decent number of people watching my videos haha. Anywho, just wanted to share a little win with y'all. ☺️


Do you ever get it where words don't look right or lose their meaning when you say the word a few times? Today's word for me is: Growled I read it in my editing pass and haha I had to look it up to make sure it's a word and it meant what I think it means 😅 #AmEditing#WritingCommunity#Fantasy


Tried something new, I had the idea to show how to play the new #LinkinPark#MusicCovers#GuitarTutorials as my alternating creative project. How about you, do you alternate creative mediums?


As I near the end of my 2nd edit pass on my WIP Fantasy novel, I'm pondering what to do next while I wait for feedback from alpha readers. What do you do when waiting for feedback? 🤔 I've pondered starting another book, to which I already have an outline. Or I could focus on my YouTube channel...

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Glen Weatherhead Writes
🇨🇦 Fantasy Author | ⚔️ YA Fantasy Novel AmEditing | 📚 Book-wyrm | Blogging to Help Writers ⤵️
12 followers18 following46 posts