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Dr Eleanor Janega
That one medieval historian you've heard of. Co-host We're Not So Different and Gone Medieval podcasts. Author of The Once and Future Sex. (Out now!) George Michael stan. Cutie.
13.8k followers713 following4.3k posts

Marc Bloch is an example for all of humanity, but to historians, and medieval historians especially. May we all show this courage in the face of the latest rise of fascism, and stop it before it comes to this.


I wonder if he's any relation to the Marcel & Darius Dassault (previously Bloch, then adopted Darius' Resistance code name) or maybe the WWI aviator Marcel Bloch

Darius Paul Dassault, neé Bloch. Code name "Chardasso" from "char d'assault" or "assault tank." General before, during (with the Resistance), and after the war
Marcel Dassault, aviation engineer and industrialist. Imprisoned at Buchenwald for refusing to build for the Nazis, who also apparently never figured out he was Jewish. Early supporter of Israel and likely the reason why the IAF suddenly had a home-built unlicensed copy of the Dassault Mirage V
Marcel Leopold Robert Bloch, WWI anti-balloon ace, which is a lot tougher than it sounds. Found him when looking up the Dassault brothers and can't find out much else about him

a 1000 times this. Courage takes many forms and he exemplified so many of them. The courage of standing up for plurality and perplexity in a world that was increasingly messing with reality was already inspirational, in addition to the courage to act upon his understanding.

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Dr Eleanor Janega
That one medieval historian you've heard of. Co-host We're Not So Different and Gone Medieval podcasts. Author of The Once and Future Sex. (Out now!) George Michael stan. Cutie.
13.8k followers713 following4.3k posts