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Good Boy
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This roommate eating beans

r/AmlOverreacting rl u/ItWasntReallnventory .21h
 My roommate ate my beans so I went to his Baldur Gate Three game and threw every item of his inventory down a cliff, and saved over his prior saves?
I (25 M) like to order fancy beans and grains  from a place called Rancho Gordo, they are  called "heirloom beans". Unlike most beans  they are not in a can, they are dry beans that  you are meant to soak and cook properly.  making very good protein-filled foods. Now,  these beans are a little on the pricey side,  and the bags they come in aren't large  
On three times in this year I have caught my  roommate (25 M) cooking (incorrectly) my  beans. He thinks that dried foods should be  a "shared resource". What? He never buys  beans or any other kind of good dried food,  nevermind an expensive kind. I told him stop  eating my beans. This week I was looking  forward to making a veggie chili with some  of my good beans, I got home and seen the  bag was empty. Like 2 or 3 beans in there. I  became enraged.
My roommate is obsessed with the video  game Baldur Gate Three. I seen him play  it  all the time. So when he was out what  I did is I went into his game. You have 4  characters in your "party" basically. So I  went to this place where there is a cliff, and  I dropped all of their gear, and then picked  it up and threw it down the cliff. This took  me a long time. Like, hours. And then I went  back to his camp and changed the party  with other members, and I went back to the  cliff and did the same, and I did it until every  single member of his party was naked and  weaponless, and then I saved the game and  then I deleted all of his prior auto saves, So  the only save file was the one where his gear  was down a cliff.
When my roommate came home he was  livid. He actually did a "N00000000000"  like in the movies. He knew it was me and  accused me of making him "Waste 100  hours of his life on NOTHING" and that he  would have to start the game over again.  I said well I hear it's a good game I'm sure  you'll have fun. And he was like "WHY did you  do this to me" and I said "Maybe this time  when you rebuild your inventory you'll find  some beans of your own." He was shocked  silent and then said he couldn't be believe  I "ruined his entire month" just because he  wanted to share my beans. "Share".

Showing my age here, but it reminds me of Ben Elton’s sketch about “it was only a sausage”…


Beans fall, everyone dies.


This is just the beginning to Into The Woods


harsh but fair, dude was warned and then CONSEQUENCES


This guy rules. This is an artful instance of hating and revenge


Astarion approves.


Someone needs to be asking permission for that whole scenario to be written in to an updated "The Odd Couple"


I started off with a yes but by the end I was like nope, totes worth it....


Fancy Beans would be a good podcast


ayyyy lmao

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Good Boy
Playing on the web.
4.7k followers594 following11.6k posts