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Greek Mythology Ilivision
Videos (Ilivision) and apps (Iliapps) taking a fresher, deeper exploration of Greek mythology. Some entertaining, some serious but all providing a more informed experience as we approach Greek myth from different angles and ancient sources.
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"Surprisingly Beautiful Women of Greek Mythology." Dive beyond the well-trodden paths of Aphrodite and Helen to discover overlooked heroines and enchantresses who redefine what it means to be beautiful.

Surprisingly Beautiful Women in Greek Mythology
Surprisingly Beautiful Women in Greek Mythology

YouTube video by Greek Mythology


"Psyche: Mortal Woman turned Goddess," we journey through the enchanting realms of Greek Mythology, where the extraordinary Psyche transforms from a mortal beauty to an immortal goddess.

Mortal Woman Turned Goddess. The Psyche & Eros Story of Enduring Love.
Mortal Woman Turned Goddess. The Psyche & Eros Story of Enduring Love.

@GreekMythology-Ilivision presents Psyche: Mortal Woman Turned Goddess. In the captivating tale of "Psyche: Mortal Woman turned Goddess," we (@GreekMythology-Ilivision) journey through the enchanting realms of Greek Mythology, where the extraordinary Psyche transforms from a mortal beauty to an immortal goddess. From depths of despair to the radiant halls of Mount Olympus, Psyche's path is fraught with challenges and trials, showcasing the timeless theme of love conquering all. Born in a kingdom where her unparalleled beauty rivalled that of the goddess Aphrodite herself, Psyche's fate takes a dramatic turn when she captures the affection of Eros, the god of love. Their forbidden romance blossoms amidst divine jealousy and treachery, leading Psyche on a quest of self-discovery and resilience. Facing daunting tasks, including a perilous journey to the Underworld and the wrath of the vengeful Aphrodite, Psyche's unwavering determination ultimately leads to her transformation into a goddess, reunited with her beloved Eros for eternity. Through twists of fate and acts of courage, "Psyche: Mortal Woman turned Goddess" transcends time as a poignant reminder of love's enduring power and the indomitable spirit of the human heart. Join us on this captivating journey where love triumphs over despair, and a mortal beauty ascends to divine heights. See for our mobile apps and more resources on Greek Mythology Like and subscribe for more insightful videos on Greek mythology coming soon!! Flash: L1KEMLNQWMMIUEK0 Catching Starlight: OMPWCW98EWNDUOI9 Catching Starlight: 9GUEK6421WTYJJJO Catching Starlight: IND109GDHXM5VD9B Catching Starlight: QXH8UCZFS6OV2PL2


Adonis' Divine Love Triangle Join us on a captivating journey through Greek mythology as we unravel the mesmerizing tale of Adonis—the epitome of heartthrobs.


Greek Mythology Ilivision presents Pan, God of the Wilds... and Panic!!

Pan: God of the Wilds... and Panic!
Pan: God of the Wilds... and Panic!

Greek Mythology Bitesize presents Pan, God of the Wilds... and Panic!! Descended from the God Hermes, Pan's boisterous companionship with Dionysus, the God of Partying, sets the stage for a captivating tale of divine mischief. Visualize Pan with his distinctive goat horns, ears, and tail, captivating audiences with the haunting melodies of his beloved pan pipes. Yet, Pan's penchant for romance took an unexpected turn when nymphs, wearied by his persistent advances, loped off his cherished beard. Delve deeper into the origins of Pan's iconic pan pipes, born from the pursuit of the elusive nymph Syrinx. As she sought refuge from Pan's advances, her transformation into reeds set in motion a mystical encounter. The wind, dancing through these reeds, birthed a hauntingly beautiful sound that entranced Pan. From this enchanting sound, the world received the gift of pan pipes, an eternal echo of the divine synergy between nature and melody. Venture into the ancient forests of Arkadia in Greece, where Pan's unseen presence induced fear and trepidation. Unearth the origin of the word "panic," cautioning against awakening Pan from his peaceful slumber. With gratitude, we celebrate Pan for bestowing upon us the harmonious pan pipes and the very essence of panic. Subscribe to @greekmthology-ILIVISION for more insightful content coming soon! Access our mobile apps at


Mortal Women Turned into Stars… Not Like Kardashians… Actual Constellations!

Mortal Women Turned into Stars... Not Like the Kardashians... Actual Constellations!
Mortal Women Turned into Stars... Not Like the Kardashians... Actual Constellations!

@GreekMythology-Ilivision presents Immortal Echoes of Mortal tales: Mortal Women Turned into Stars… Not Like Kardashians… Actual Constellations! The celestial tapestry of the night sky weaves together tales of mortal women transformed into stars and constellations, each thread revealing the enduring legacies of these overlooked figures in Greek mythology. Through the metamorphosis of figures like Callisto, Andromeda, and Ariadne, we glimpse the profound interplay between mortal vulnerability and divine intervention, where mortal struggles transcend earthly confines to shine eternally as celestial beacons. From Callisto's transformation into Ursa Major, a poignant reflection of betrayal and resilience, to Andromeda's immortalization in the stars as a symbol of love's triumph over adversity, and Ariadne's crown adorning the heavens as a testament to enduring love, each constellation serves as a timeless reminder of the enduring power of female agency and resilience. As we gaze upon the constellations of Taurus, Io's celestial honour marking her journey from mortal plight to immortal stardom, and Europa's abduction immortalized in the Bull's form, we are reminded that the night sky holds within it not just stars, but the timeless stories of mortal women transformed into celestial beings. These narratives, often overshadowed by the grandeur of Greek gods and goddesses, offer profound insights into the enduring legacy of these remarkable women, whose stories are eternally written in the celestial realm, guiding our gaze upward to ponder the immortal echoes of mortal tales. @GreekMythology-Ilivision Greek Mythology Bitesize Catching Starlight: 4SXSSIEZLEY8CZBI Catching Starlight: QYBHLJT29O4BXFWM Catching Starlight: IBOE0RWHXBVAYNGN Catching Starlight: APLBFPYGSRYJPR1A Catching Starlight: GGXNBFP6QKKLJRBD Flash: HGMBJ22ZPXWDIPXZ Flash: LKXRWGQYOCU6EMQI


Video shedding light on the often overlooked presence of Black Africans in Greek mythology, focusing on the constellations that still adorn our night sky today

Black Africans in Greek Myth Constellations
Black Africans in Greek Myth Constellations

YouTube video by Greek Mythology

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Greek Mythology Ilivision
Videos (Ilivision) and apps (Iliapps) taking a fresher, deeper exploration of Greek mythology. Some entertaining, some serious but all providing a more informed experience as we approach Greek myth from different angles and ancient sources.
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