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European universities supporting legal and community capacities for #Ukraine’s environmental recovery #PERAC #citizenscience #civicmonitoring #intlaw #environment #eramusmus+
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Missed the live session? We've uploaded the recording to our YouTube Channel:

GROMADA Lecture #6: Env. Protection during Armed Conflict-Ukraine's Perspective with Nataliia Hendel
GROMADA Lecture #6: Env. Protection during Armed Conflict-Ukraine's Perspective with Nataliia Hendel

The lecture is dedicated to the protection of the environment during international armed conflict under international humanitarian law. We will consider the obligations of Ukraine and the Russian Federation to protect the environment during international armed conflict. We will focus on Ukraine's measures for monitoring and mechanisms for compensation of environmental damage caused by the Russian aggression. We will review the criminal liability of an individual for crimes against the environment committed in connection with an armed conflict under the Criminal Code of Ukraine, including war crimes and ecocide. We will also discuss the circumstances and legal qualification of the events related to the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station. Speaker: Nataliia Hendel, Geneva Academy Recording from 4 April 2024. Subscribe to our GROMADA newsletter to stay informed about the project, our events, etc.: page: Check out the Ukrainian version of this video: GROMADA aims to develop cooperation between European universities to support public and legal capacity for environmental recovery in Ukraine. As the war has brought a huge toll to Ukraine’s environment, the project fosters civic engagement in environmental citizen science in light of its legal dimension. By analysing barriers and opportunities for community engagement in environmental action and peacebuilding, GROMADA emphasises the legal aspects of environmental harm monitoring in war, empowering conflict-affected communities. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


demonstrating a strong commitment to financial and administrative compliance with European and national regulations. Overall, Web2Learn stands as a dedicated and impactful partner in driving positive social change through innovation and civic engagement.


Web2Learn has been a key player in 24 EU-funded projects since 2013, spanning Erasmus+ and Council of Europe initiatives. The company is recognized for its expertise in managing, monitoring, and ensuring the quality of national and European grants,


Web2Learn, based in Thessaloniki, Greece, specializes in digital learning and professional training solutions. The company’s focus extends to two key areas: Open Innovation for Addressing the Ukrainian War and Civic Engagement in Knowledge-Building and Citizen Science.


Учасникам буде запропоновано поміркувати про роль громадських доказів у ключових судових справах та поділитися своїм досвідом збору доказів для правоохоронних органів. Також будуть розглянуті проблеми та наслідки покладання на цю практику.


Спираючись на досвід проекту "Sensing for Justice/ Вимірювання задля правосуддя", у цій практичній лекції обговорюватимуться потенційні та фактичні способи застосування даних, зібраних громадськістю, як джерела доказів у екологічних судових процесах та як інструмент для сприяння медіації конфліктів.


The participants will be invited to reflect on the role of civic evidence in key case studies and to share their experiences of gathering evidence for law enforcement. The challenges and implications of reliance on the practice will also be disentangled.


Building on the experience of the ‘Sensing for Justice’ project, this hands-on lecture will discuss the potential and actual applications of civic-gathered data as a source of evidence in environmental litigation and as a tool to foster conflict mediation.


які виникають у сприянні технічному обслуговуванню, ремонту та спільному використанню продукту. Учасникам вебінару будуть продемонстровані реальні приклади застосування циркулярних моделей споживання в Україні під час війни.

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European universities supporting legal and community capacities for #Ukraine’s environmental recovery #PERAC #citizenscience #civicmonitoring #intlaw #environment #eramusmus+
6 followers10 following164 posts