James E
"We confess to a great partiality for Gravesend, ungenteel as we know the confession to be, for does not Gravesend form a portion of the Cockney Paradise?" 🇵🇸 From the river to the sea. He/him
144 followers234 following1.8k posts
Reposted by James E

Resisting the urge to spend days, possibly weeks trawling Google Maps for the location of this photograph. Probably taken in the late 60s/early 70s around the North East London/Essex border. Anyone have any ideas? I think it might be where my Uncle George lived if that's any help. Nice picture.

Reposted by James E

a hideous and intolerable allegory

Reposted by James E

I am also struck by the memory that when Corbyn bought up the need for a decent bus network across the U.K. at PMQS he was laughed at.

A sneer can often reveal far more about the sneerer than the object of their derision. This week, the leader of the opposition used the platform of prime minister’s questions to highlight the long-standing crisis of Britain’s bus services. What with there being 4.65bn bus journeys a year – two and half times more than train journeys – you might think this would be considered quite important. Instead, Tory MPs howled with contempt, bellowing “Taxi!” The commentariat followed in quick step. “A question about buses. That will win it!” spluttered the Sun. “Corbyn on buses. Jesus wept,” eyerolled the Times’s sketch writer. “Is it PMQs or transport questions?” cackled ITV’s political correspondent. “No 10 will not be able to believe their luck,” mocked the Spectator’s political editor.
Reposted by James E

Every time I cram myself onto an expensive, antiquated and rammed train in the UK, I think about the time a Labour leader tried to bring attention to how shit the UK's rail system is and the commentariat spent two weeks poring through CCTV trying to prove that there were in fact seats on that train

Reposted by James E

Never forget when Kris Kristofferson vaporized Toby Keith. Sleep well, Kris.

Reposted by James E

Nothing but respect for whatever neighbor had to have broken out a ladder to add the googly eyes to this tree, which went from being a little sad and creepy to having impeccable muppet vibes.

Photo of a tree that has slowly been growing around a blue metal “children play here slow” sign, now with giant googly eyes nailed above it so it looks like a mouth. Next to a road with a stop sign nearby.
Reposted by James E

6yo: do we vote for who's the king Mom: no, baby. That's the problem with monarchy. kings are king because of who their parents are. If you have a good king then that's fine but if you have a bad king, there's nothing you can do about it. 4year old: UNLESS YOU KILL THE BAD KING

Reposted by James E

Do what you want with this info, as well: Instagram recently made it so that links shared from their platform are unique to you. This means if you have an anon bluesky/twitter, but use ur real name on insta (like me), posting insta links is doxxing yourself 🤡

Highlight from linked instagram help page: 
Note: when you share content with someone that isn’t following you on instagram, they may see your instagram profile and be able to send you a follow request
Reposted by James E

Rosie Duffield's resignation is going down with her constituents about as well as you might expect... Locals are asking her to stand down and enable a by-election "With the greatest respect Rosie, I voted for the Labour Party, not for you personally."

James E
"We confess to a great partiality for Gravesend, ungenteel as we know the confession to be, for does not Gravesend form a portion of the Cockney Paradise?" 🇵🇸 From the river to the sea. He/him
144 followers234 following1.8k posts