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G to The Next Level
I'm G! USA retro game Twitch Streamer & YouTuber, #TeamSega Member, Capcom Creator, home of Growing Up Genesis. Be You & Be Awesome! -> I'm a bit more candid on this account so keep that in mind. Thank you~
255 followers139 following1.4k posts

I’m actually really glad I took the last few days to decompress after a super hectic month. I know I could and probably should gotten the YouTube video done but getting 7 out of 10 big events smashed into one month done & promoted is reason to relax. I’m excited to see y’all at PRGE on Friday~ 💙


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G to The Next Level
I'm G! USA retro game Twitch Streamer & YouTuber, #TeamSega Member, Capcom Creator, home of Growing Up Genesis. Be You & Be Awesome! -> I'm a bit more candid on this account so keep that in mind. Thank you~
255 followers139 following1.4k posts