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G to The Next Level
I'm G! USA retro game Twitch Streamer & YouTuber, #TeamSega Member, Capcom Creator, home of Growing Up Genesis. Be You & Be Awesome! -> I'm a bit more candid on this account so keep that in mind. Thank you~
255 followers139 following1.4k posts

No that’s Dead Rising 2, thought that one I probably wouldn’t either, even if it’s a lot more comical and less serious than Dead Island 2. That whole charity campaign (which had to back out of due to scheduling) was supposed to be family-friendly games across the board.


I’ve been doing charity stream events for a long time now but I’m sorry… if you’re streaming to benefit a kids’ health cause, *maybe* don’t play something like Dead Island 2? Not a good look, IMO.


It comes with an actual Yars Rising training cartridge!!! So cool~ 🤩 I’ll be playing it on the plane ride to PRGE, and content to come soon on the Switch game.


Just in time for my trip to Portland, the awesome peeps at Atari sent me a SWEET Yars Rising Training Program promo pack!! I can’t wait to dive in to this game as just doesn’t miss and Yars’ Revenge is a personal Atari fav. But there’s more… 👇


I’m actually really glad I took the last few days to decompress after a super hectic month. I know I could and probably should gotten the YouTube video done but getting 7 out of 10 big events smashed into one month done & promoted is reason to relax. I’m excited to see y’all at PRGE on Friday~ 💙


Now that Sonic Central is done, (and was awesome), my Channel Update Ko-Fi Blog is LIVE! A lot of great news to share about future Twitch streams, YouTube plans, conventions, and I'm in a DOCUMENTARY?? 🤩 Please check it out and thank you all for everything! 👇 💙


Thank you all SO MUCH for all the love, support, cheer, and donations to my Crush40 Crushes 40K charity streams this weekend! We slightly missed goal but every bit still counts to help the American Heart Association and I still had a blast. Big channel update later today. 💙

sonic the hedgehog and tails are dancing in front of a crowd of people .
sonic the hedgehog and tails are dancing in front of a crowd of people .

ALT: sonic the hedgehog and tails are dancing in front of a crowd of people .


Part 2 of our Crush40 CRUSHES 40K Charity Stream for the American Heart Association & LIIVE is UP, and it's Sonic Generations today! Donate if you can and get chances to win prizes!! 🟣 🟣


Although much of it was surprise-dropped on my existing plans, I got a little overly ambitious this month. A learning experience for sure. September is a much busier month online than ppl would believe. Charity stream is still happening today but I might be taking some time off stream before PRGE.

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G to The Next Level
I'm G! USA retro game Twitch Streamer & YouTuber, #TeamSega Member, Capcom Creator, home of Growing Up Genesis. Be You & Be Awesome! -> I'm a bit more candid on this account so keep that in mind. Thank you~
255 followers139 following1.4k posts