Recovering Fire Chief, Student of Leadership, Observer of the Human Condition. Re-posts are not necessarily endorsement
66 followers83 following444 posts
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Donald Trump's mass immigrant deportation plan would cost taxpayers an additional $30B, leave huge holes in the workforce, and eliminate the ~$100B undocumented immigrants pay in taxes each year. He will destroy our economy to protect his racism.

Taking Trump's mass deportation vow seriously and literally
Taking Trump's mass deportation vow seriously and literally

His signature campaign promise is to brutalize people on an unprecedented scale.

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If you've ever wondered WTF is up with all the attention to UFOs in the past few years, this explains it nicely. It's worth knowing how pseudoscientific thinking spread and grew through mythologists, bad government decisions, credulous media coverage & more šŸ§Ŗ

What Really Happened at the Pentagonā€™s Once-Hidden UFO Office?
What Really Happened at the Pentagonā€™s Once-Hidden UFO Office?

An office in the Pentagon investigated UFOsā€”and the paranormalā€”over a decade ago, segueing into a long saga leading to Congressional hearings and breathless news stories today. But the real story look...

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Similarly, Western education & science also tend to value transparency as a public good but can endanger communities. ā€œWestern journalism tends to value transparency as a public good. Butā€¦ Include too-specific cultural details, and I risk endangering my community.ā€

At Indigenous Sacred Sites, Seeing Things Iā€™m Not Supposed to See
At Indigenous Sacred Sites, Seeing Things Iā€™m Not Supposed to See

Western journalism tends to value transparency as a public good. But as an Indigenous reporter, I face a unique set of challenges: Include too-specific cultural details, and I risk endangering my comm...

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Dear media, When Donald Trump and Republicans talk about rounding up immigrants, mention how much private prison and logistics companies, who would profit from it, are donating to their campaigns. Their Project 2025 immigration policies are just corruption wrapped in racism.

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NASA should shut down its rocket and capsule system for being absurdly over-budget and under-safe, abandon unrealistic schedules to return to the moon & get back to innovating. This is a smart and clear analysis of space travel by šŸ§ŖšŸ”­

The Next President Should End NASAā€™s Space Launch System Rocket
The Next President Should End NASAā€™s Space Launch System Rocket

Rather than building an obsolescent, obscenely-over-budget jumbo rocket, NASA should turn to building truly innovative space technologies and plan a realistic lunar landing program

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Nice to see firefighter occupational hazards discussed in the NYT. An issue not discussed is PFAS in turnout gear. There is rapidly accumulating evidence that cancer risk in firefighters is driven by exposure to this chemical on the inside of their nomex.

Extreme Heat Means More Wildfires. Itā€™s Taking a Toll on Firefighters.
Extreme Heat Means More Wildfires. Itā€™s Taking a Toll on Firefighters.

As a changing climate fuels more wildfires, experts are working to better protect firefighters on the front lines.

Recovering Fire Chief, Student of Leadership, Observer of the Human Condition. Re-posts are not necessarily endorsement
66 followers83 following444 posts