Hague Visby
A Brazilian Citizen, taxpayer, lawyer, sympathy for centre left, environment enthusiast, animal fan, unmarried, faithful friend, nature lover without forget the comfort of modern facilities. Life is a short trip and We have to enjoy It in an easy way! ☕🌹
504 followers317 following749 posts

Concordo 100%! Penso q Isr@hell deveria se expulso da ONU pelos crimes contra Gaza, Cisjordânia, Líbano, etc ... Obviamente, sei q não irá ocorrer, pois possui fiadores muito poderosos para seus delírios de superioridade! 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Hague Visby
A Brazilian Citizen, taxpayer, lawyer, sympathy for centre left, environment enthusiast, animal fan, unmarried, faithful friend, nature lover without forget the comfort of modern facilities. Life is a short trip and We have to enjoy It in an easy way! ☕🌹
504 followers317 following749 posts