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Hannah Cooper
Archive TV viewer, writer, pint drinker: time you enjoy wasting is not wasted 🏳️‍🌈 “general excellent taste” “incredibly good company” “very nice” 📺 ⏪️ 🐤@MrsSimonTemplar
370 followers186 following841 posts

Perusing Clive James's 1981 intro to one of his books of collected TV criticism. Fascinating view. "The frightful blunder by which the BBC wiped the tapes of plays by Pinter, Owen, Gray, and other leading playwrights was merely a prematurely terminal instance of what would have happened anyway."

Why should so many talented people put so much effort into what will be forgotten? And most of it will be forgotten, no matter how dedicated the efforts to preserve it. The frightful blunder by which the BBC wiped the tapes of plays by Pinter, Owen, Gray, and other leading playwrights was merely a prematurely terminal instance of what would have happened anyway in the course of time. I like the idea of a channel for important repeats but residual payments would make it difficult to organise. And if a channel won’t organise it then the individual viewer is unlikely to either, even if all the past material were available from an instantaneous and inexpensive form of data-retrieval. There is barely time to view the present. To view the past as well would take all the time in the world. So ephemerality is likely to go on being the condition of life for everyone who works in television.

But it never seems that way at the time. Whether as a viewer or as a participant, I have never been able

It’s kinda true in that now we have this “instantaneous … data retrieval” it’s impossible to keep up with the new AND enjoy the old. Thankfully, most modern sitcoms are eminently missable so we can rewatch Porridge or The Good Life for the nth time guilt free. And Callan still trumps most.

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Hannah Cooper
Archive TV viewer, writer, pint drinker: time you enjoy wasting is not wasted 🏳️‍🌈 “general excellent taste” “incredibly good company” “very nice” 📺 ⏪️ 🐤@MrsSimonTemplar
370 followers186 following841 posts