Happy Being Vegan
Plant-based, cruelty-free, and compassion & empathy towards all living creatures. 💕 Registered Dietitian, MS, RD #friends not #food #vegan for life #GoVegan #love what you eat #plant-based
21 followers62 following34 posts

I used to enjoy meat & dairy. But I realized that eating those foods caused so much harm, destruction & death that it wasn’t worth it. I found foods I love that don’t use animal ingredients. It’s easy to #GoVegan 🌿 When you prioritize others instead of yourself ❤️ 🐮 🐷 🐔❤️


Corn, beans and squash, called the Three Sisters by many tribes, serve as key pillars in the Native American diet and is considered a sacred gift from the Great Spirit. Together, the plants provide complete nutrition, while offering an important lesson in environmental cooperation.

How Native American Diets Shifted After European Colonization | HISTORY
How Native American Diets Shifted After European Colonization | HISTORY

For centuries, Indigenous people’s diets were totally based on what could be harvested locally. Then white settlers arrived from Europe.


We’ve sleep-walked into a food system that tells us we must eat animal products to be healthy. We try to blame our ancestors, but that style of thinking came from Europe not natives. Walk away from violence, death & destruction. #GoVegan 🌿 It’s right & just.


Trouble sleeping through the night? Try this, Eat a fresh peeled orange just before falling asleep. The theory is that your brain needs a small, slow trickle of glucose throughout the night. The fiber in an orange makes digestion slower, sustaining you throughout the night.


Maybe humans were never meant to consume dairy, yet we are consuming more than we ever have before. 65% of humans are lactose intolerant. The kids who drink the most have higher rates of Type 1 diabetes. It’s time we stop promoting dairy for good health.

Tribal groups trying to remove dairy from USDA dietary guidelines because of lactose intolerance
Tribal groups trying to remove dairy from USDA dietary guidelines because of lactose intolerance

The next round of USDA dietary guidelines will take effect from 2025 to 2030.


Heart disease is our #1 killer in the USA. Can we reverse it with a vegan diet? Yes! President Bill Clinton did exactly this after a quadruple bypass surgery. Here he is being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer. “I wanted to live to see my grandchildren.”

CNN: Clinton's weight loss secret: Plants
CNN: Clinton's weight loss secret: Plants

YouTube video by CNN


How can #vegans#GoVegan 🌿 You won’t only survive, You will thrive. ❤️


To reduce the risk of heart disease, a #vegan diet may just be what the doctor ordered! 😃

Happy Being Vegan
Plant-based, cruelty-free, and compassion & empathy towards all living creatures. 💕 Registered Dietitian, MS, RD #friends not #food #vegan for life #GoVegan #love what you eat #plant-based
21 followers62 following34 posts