E. Perkins 🎃
Occasional artist, filthy casual WoW player, enjoyer of cute and spooky things. Epers on the other place. Dumbly shy about following back people I don't actually know. Please don't take it personally. Rightie hands, leftie everything else.🍉🌈
83 followers166 following990 posts

My Wife I only really watched all the way though because I was interested in what the show's take on, like, artificial intelligence and robot rights, and stuff would be. Some was kinda interesting. The relationship was fine, kinda cute, but also kinda creepy. Their "child" was annoying as fuck. 5/?


Cheer for you! was deeply undercooked. Very unfocused. There's an episode with tons of *really* bad English dialog. So, that's fun. MAYONAKA... the animation's very nice. but it didn't really completely hook me, probably due to the human being unlikeable from start to finish. I think that's it. 6/6

E. Perkins 🎃
Occasional artist, filthy casual WoW player, enjoyer of cute and spooky things. Epers on the other place. Dumbly shy about following back people I don't actually know. Please don't take it personally. Rightie hands, leftie everything else.🍉🌈
83 followers166 following990 posts