Just Hebah (she/her)
Librarian, parent, knitter/spinner/crocheter, gamer, reader (especially romance and fantasy), occasional scribbler.
423 followers643 following1.3k posts

She kept checking in on me periodically to make sure I was OK, but when she realized I was perfectly happy and just lost in a book, she left me to it. I also read Scarlet Letter and a few other things that summer, with the joy of coming at them as novels, not Things to Study.


The summer I finished high school, my dad sent me to Egypt to stay with relatives and get in touch with my heritage. I did not have enough books. Late in the summer, my aunt let me at her stash of books from lit classes, and I inhaled Madame Bovary like oxygen because I'd been starved for reading.


That's so sweet 🥺


The middle grade novel it's based on is amazing (read it from the library and immediately bought my own copy). It hit hard when I read before becoming a parent, so I imagine the movie is going to destroy me.

Reposted by Just Hebah (she/her)

I don’t always agree with the boomers but please stop making me download an app every time I wanna use a product please for the love of god


He really is the sweetest kitty. Only one I'd even try that with 😂.


Ha, I mean, the internet IS for cat pictures after all 😂.


Bonus #ShowMeYourKnits - feline knitwear edition, featuring Scamp in varying levels of willingness to put up with my nonsense.

A ginger cat sits atop a cat tree, fabulously modeling a scarf draped over him. It is wildly textured ranging from a fuzzy white chunk to a black/ gold section to glimpses of black/ grey with rainbow flecks.
The same cat at previous picture, less patiently modeling knitwear. Probably because this one was made specifically for him, an earth green cap with orange spikes on the top and holes for his ears. It is tied under his chin, and he wears a put-upon expression. This is the one and only time I ever got the hat on him.

#ShowMeYourKnits is hats and scarves this week, so here's a smattering from over the years. Hats are my go-to pallete cleanse project when I need a quick win. Not pictured: an iconic Whovian The Scarf.

Hat knitted for myself in variegated blue yarn that uses slip stitch texture to highlight the changes in colors. It is topped with a teal pompom flecked with black.
A hat knit from handspun for my kiddo from Tin Can Knits' Gather pattern. The colors are nearly a full rainbow, and it's topped with a purple sparkly pompom.
A scarf knitted in in shades of blue and greens with long slow color changes. The texture is wavy across the width of the scarf with the waves formed by drop stitches.
A sleeping baby in a carseat, with a neon variegated hat on her head. This was the first thing I let myself knit hopefully for her when I was pregnant, made from leftover scraps of a hat knit for a friend.

My thoughts on lexile reading levels. Use 'em to meet assignments, sure, but outside of school, let kids read what they want. Some things will be "too easy" but comforting, and others will be a stretch. But if a child is voluntarily reading for fun, NURTURE that.

Just Hebah (she/her)
Librarian, parent, knitter/spinner/crocheter, gamer, reader (especially romance and fantasy), occasional scribbler.
423 followers643 following1.3k posts