Henrik Plaschke
8 followers21 following15 posts

Spain at odds with European neighbours: “Spain needs to choose between being an open and prosperous country or a closed-off, poor country,” Pedro Sánchez told parliament on Wednesday. “It’s as simple as that.”

Pedro Sánchez unveils plans to help migrants settle in Spain
Pedro Sánchez unveils plans to help migrants settle in Spain

Prime minister champions migration in stance at odds with European neighbours


3/3 result is unequivocal: it is now in tatters, like the Arab world." End.


2/3 other than the law of the strongest. It is the last nail in the coffin of a liberal order, contested by many global or regional powers, of which the West wanted to be the guardian. From Iraq to Gaza via Syria, this order has never been so trampled by those who claim it as in our region. The...


1/3 A nuanced and profound reflection a year after October 7 by the editor-in-chief of the independent Lebanese L'Orient Today Anthony Samrani. "The Gaza war marks the end of an illusion: that of a Western desire, sometimes sincere, to build an international order based on something...

The Gaza war marks the end of a world
The Gaza war marks the end of a world

History did not begin on October 7, 2023. All those with the Palestinian cause at heart like to make a reminder of this to counter a dominant narrative that makes it the alpha and omega of...


2/2 (ingen beskatning af arv & formue, lavere beskatning af aktier og formuer osv). Samfundet er blevet mere opdelt, og væksten i kriminalitet og vold er næppe uden forbindelse med disse forhold. Zetlands artikel er en introduktion til dette vigtige aspekt af "svenske tilstande"!


1/2 Når man i Danmark taler om ”svenske tilstande”, tales der næsten aldrig om væksten i ulighed, som ellers er vigtig og markant! Privatisering af velfærdsydelser (fx. skoler, børnehaver og ældrepleje) skattereformer, der gør det mere attraktivt at eje end at arbejde

Sverige har mange flere superrige end Danmark.  Og de bliver rigere og rigere
Sverige har mange flere superrige end Danmark. Og de bliver rigere og rigere

I løbet af de seneste årtier er antallet af superrige i Sverige eksploderet. Og ifølge en meget debatteret og prisvindende bog er det ikke kun, fordi svenskerne er gode til at lave virksomheder. Det h...


"The minimum tax is now on the agenda... We already have the tools needed to make the world’s billionaires pay their fair share of taxes. It’s now up to the governments to act fast and effectively."

Taxing the Superrich Is More Possible – and More Necessary – Than Ever | by Gabriel Zucman - Project Syndicate
Taxing the Superrich Is More Possible – and More Necessary – Than Ever | by Gabriel Zucman - Project Syndicate

Gabriel Zucman welcomes recent international progress toward taxing the wealth of billionaires.

Henrik Plaschke
8 followers21 following15 posts