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Heidi McDonald
Game writer, author, lecturer. GenXer. Snark and cheese, always. Blue dot/red sea. Recovering from child’s suicide. 80s pop culture purist. Every day is Halloween. 🎃 The video game lady, not the comic book one, though she’s cool.
1.3k followers716 following7.1k posts

Every once in awhile when the man is in his cups, he gets into “educate about Warhammer” mode. He is now in that mode. Send help. 😅 He will never understand or appreciate the amount of effort I put into pretending that I care about this. I do it because it matters to him.


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Heidi McDonald
Game writer, author, lecturer. GenXer. Snark and cheese, always. Blue dot/red sea. Recovering from child’s suicide. 80s pop culture purist. Every day is Halloween. 🎃 The video game lady, not the comic book one, though she’s cool.
1.3k followers716 following7.1k posts