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Reposted by holdmybooks⚖️🪷🐝

the biggest threat to free speech in this country is that everyone knows speaking out loudly against the right wing messaging machine, and getting its attention, will result in endless death threats and harassment and they don’t care if you’re one of their own

Reposted by holdmybooks⚖️🪷🐝

This person needs to shut the fuck up forever. Yes, people unite in the face of disaster, but that's a very short-term thing and it doesn't even last all that long necessarily. Smallpox caused an actual fucking apocalypse with mountains of corpses here and the nations still fought each other.

Reposted by holdmybooks⚖️🪷🐝

Experts say the first thing is to make sure it’s safe to go back inside. Then you need to dry things out as fast as possible.

FAQ: Your house flooded. Now what?
FAQ: Your house flooded. Now what?

Experts say the first thing is to make sure it’s safe to go back inside. Then you need to dry things out as fast as possible.

Reposted by holdmybooks⚖️🪷🐝

Many of these people have an understanding of politics that was created by conservative talk radio and passed through to them indirectly by their parents/grandparents/etc. They're incapable of seeing how much their "radical beliefs" are derived from what they were exposed to.


I realize he might not have visited the most devastated areas (which couldn't handle such a visit anyway) but🙄

Scott MacFarlane
Heavy police presence and wide perimeter here in Valdosta, Ga — where Trump is planning campaign stop in front of this damage

Power is out for days in this community.  Businesses closed 

One restaurant owner told me:  They’re ambivalent about “dignitary visits right now”
1:33 PM · Sep 30, 2024
Scott MacFarlane
Heavy police presence and wide perimeter here in Valdosta, Ga — where Trump is planning campaign stop in front of this damage

Power is out for days in this community.  Businesses closed 

One restaurant owner told me:  They’re ambivalent about “dignitary visits right now”
Scott MacFarlane
Traffic lights are out regionwide.  Trees down. Billboard toppled. Roofs ripped apart.  

Valdosta businesses that have generators are serving food on sidewalks to those who need it.
1:36 PM · Sep 30, 2024
Scott MacFarlane
Not much response from the small crowd that gathered here as Trump speaks.  He’s speaking softer and hard to decipher at times for those of us nearby
2:06 PM · Sep 30, 2024
Scott MacFarlane
I asked Trump if these storms make him reconsider his position on climate change.  He said… no
2:10 PM · Sep 30, 2024
Reposted by holdmybooks⚖️🪷🐝

I have seen a tremendous amount of this the same sort of posts coming from “leftist” accounts doing some combination of a) lying about disaster aid, b) linking it to Israel and/or Ukraine, c) using dishonest GOP framing that acts like US gov budgets operate the same way as individual budgets.


"To cut federal spending, the GOP plan also calls for the privatization of the National Flood Insurance Program and shifting federal emergency spending to states and localities instead of the federal government."

Project 2025 calls for the ‘break up’ of NOAA, commercialized weather service forecasts
Project 2025 calls for the ‘break up’ of NOAA, commercialized weather service forecasts

Project 2025, a controversial plan that seeks to inform a future conservative administration, calls for the “break up” of the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA). NOA…


But both parties are the same.

An Ohio Businessman Faces Death Threats for Praising His Haitian Workers
The lifelong Republican employs fewer Haitians than others in Springfield, but his life has been upended since Donald J. Trump spread falsehoods about immigrants in his hometown.
F.B.I. agents showed up at McGregor Metal out of the blue on Sept. 12.
They warned him that they had determined that some of the threats on social media were credible and that he must take precautions.
They advised locking the lobby doors at McGregor Metal along with other safety protocols.
Security experts also sat the family down. Vary your driving routes to work, school and other places, they advised. Don gloves and use tongs when handling and opening mail. Keep the blinds drawn at your house.
The family was also advised to scrub their digital footprints, install cameras, motion sensors and alarms, and start parking rear-first in the garage, keeping the car in drive until the door is all the way down.
Reposted by holdmybooks⚖️🪷🐝

All, the DNC and GA Dems have sued the Georgia State Election Board over the new role to count ballots by hand - (Gift link) Also, consider this another reminder to check your voter registration.

Democrats Sue Over Georgia Requirement That Ballots Be Counted by Hand
Democrats Sue Over Georgia Requirement That Ballots Be Counted by Hand

The lawsuit claims that the new rule would invite chaos on election night, delaying some reporting and putting the security of ballots at risk.

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