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Holly Christine
she/her/siya "I want to live into the other side of pain" - sleeping at last Lover of big big ears on animals
271 followers287 following2.3k posts

*Note: Editing mid-message fucked this post up. My apologies. Addiction is not diagnosable, substance abuse disorder is


I don't know what this is about, but a-fucking-men.

Reposted by Holly Christine

Subtweet but evergreen: You can be a really good human being and still say really fucked up or poorly timed shit sometimes.

Reposted by Holly Christine

New Projector Review! Ian McKellen is The Critic, whose scathing wit is only matched by his vicious cunning, in a rather unusual book adaptation that turns a side character into the film's central figure - with mixed results.

The Critic (2024) (REVIEW) | Projector | Ian McKellen is delightfully wicked
The Critic (2024) (REVIEW) | Projector | Ian McKellen is delightfully wicked

YouTube video by Film Brain


inherently bad person. And the more we judge, the harder it becomes for someone to want to treat their illness, and they will continue to self-medicate their co-existing disorders.


about a year and a half of active substance use. I could not be more glad to hear that she is doing well. Point being, people with substance use disorder could use compassion instead of judgment. That's hard when it's someone close to us (two in my family) but having a disorder doesn't make someone


Parkinson's? Alzheimer's? No. And I'm not saying you have to stick around for someone if it's too much for you. That doesn't do anyone any good. But we have to start treating people with substance abuse disorder with more compassion. A friend of mine just completed a treatment program after


addiction. Addiction gives the impression that it's some kind of personal failing. It's not. It's not even technically a diagnosable condition. Substance abuse disorder is a chronic complex brain disorder that can be treated but not cured. But are we out here judging people for having migraines?


necessarily involve not being able to get out of bed for days on end or not leave the house, it doesn't necessarily involve overspending or engaging in reckless sex. It involves self-medicating with substances. That's why more and more there is a push to call it substance abuse disorder and not

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Holly Christine
she/her/siya "I want to live into the other side of pain" - sleeping at last Lover of big big ears on animals
271 followers287 following2.3k posts