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Auntie Grimdark 👻😈
Posting vibes consist of: Lurking, unhinged rambles about creative projects, politics, queer stuff, and whatever fandoms I'm hyperfixated on. Deeply Hellblazer and Good Omens pilled. Bisexual disaster. ADD riddled thembo. Gamer goil.
19 followers73 following856 posts
Reposted by Auntie Grimdark 👻😈

The Satanic Temple has lost every step of the way and shown themselves to be a toxic, abusive religious organization to everyone who has bothered to pay attention — tho unfortunately, too few people have.


I can’t believe it took years to figure out I have adhd. Anyway, I may get a nice binder for it but for now I’m holding the pages together with safety pins


And if you’re going to use “echo chamber” as a basic catch term of “place where people generally agree about things”, what about just basic concepts like “it’s rude to slap a stranger just cuz”. Does that mean you’re in an echo chamber if you don’t listen to someone that thinks it’s fine?


Yeah, it’s often to try to help people get out but it’s easy to see why this far right, bigoted ideology is a hurtful. Y’know it’s not normal to believe in race science and that women are second class citizens. The average person would balk at that as much as they would anarchism.

Reposted by Auntie Grimdark 👻😈

Back cover synopsis reads:

Humans Dan and Sarah went to Planet Crab to see what was there. There they found huge crabs! It made them happy to see.
They wanted to know how crabs become so powerful and the answer is familiar: Crabitalism - the new & exciting economic system. Human lives are ground to death and digested for the good of a select group of giant crabs! Everyone is running and smiling. The crabs are getting bigger! It is good to make powerful crabs more powerful. Humans Dan and Sarah want to tell their planet about Crabitalism now!

Review blurb reads:

Boy oh boy, i am a human doctor and lawyer and I must say this new and exciting economic system is something. United States should adopt immedi-ately! Humans will love.
Dr. Lawyer Nxlyn Moklyx

Crabitalism facts:
• Humans love to serve powerful crabs
- Giant and powerful crabs make planets better
• Human suffering small price for giant crabs
- Everyone smiles at crabs

Now I don’t give a shit about capitalism but I do care about people and I think it’s deeply ironic that rah-rah money good republicans are economically damaging an already troubled city. It just shows how the party has devolved that quite enough to have put xenophobia over economic recovery.


I will be a bit miffed if it’s just like wot? You wanted us to keep your progress? Shouldn’t have turned off your console. Like, I only let it stay in sleep mode if I’m intending to use. Not all the time. She’s a bit geriatric and should be treated kindly.


(I was running it on an emulator until a glitch killed my progression, then got a ps2 mostly to play it, but hey you know what you shouldn’t do? Play retro consoles without an upscaler or CRT tv. Anyway, then a ps4 fell in my lap and the digital version was on sale last month.)


I think I’m taking this all so well because honestly I’m used to it by now, and tbh, I really didn’t like the second season of GOmens. Like yeah most of it was over the ending, but I really didn’t like most of it. The flashbacks were fantastic but quelle surprise, Neil didn’t write those parts lol


Why can’t I ever have nice things stay nice? It almost always gets tainted. Oh well, at least it was confirmed that Terry Pratchett wrote most of GOmens, as I’ve suspected since first reading it. Add another body to the cemetery of artists I’ve had to kill to keep enjoying the art.

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Auntie Grimdark 👻😈
Posting vibes consist of: Lurking, unhinged rambles about creative projects, politics, queer stuff, and whatever fandoms I'm hyperfixated on. Deeply Hellblazer and Good Omens pilled. Bisexual disaster. ADD riddled thembo. Gamer goil.
19 followers73 following856 posts