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Jean Kelsey
#ExPostie, I’m voting BLUE straight down the ballot. #VoteBlue Gardening, cycling, kayaking, Basketry, medical marijuana, CPTSD is a curse. If you share dick pictures or anything from the bedroom = BLOCKED No profile, no posts, no follow. #TeamTypo
774 followers429 following17.4k posts

Instead of using the natural materials that was used on the rim you could try wrapping strips of material around the rim. Use a screwdriver to gently open up the space.


He doesn't bother the rim -- the frame is heavy-gauge wire wrapped with raffia. He attacks the soft stuff on the sides, all in one area so far.

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Jean Kelsey
#ExPostie, I’m voting BLUE straight down the ballot. #VoteBlue Gardening, cycling, kayaking, Basketry, medical marijuana, CPTSD is a curse. If you share dick pictures or anything from the bedroom = BLOCKED No profile, no posts, no follow. #TeamTypo
774 followers429 following17.4k posts