Raghav Agrawal
Independent interface design researcher. Writing a book on designing novel interactive visual abstractions (novel ui concepts) for new ways of learning, teaching, explaining, discovering, inventing things online
317 followers543 following3.2k posts

What's most information dense graphic novel you've come across? With creative use of layout, colour, type, iconography to blend multiple viewpoints together in a single page? Context with project : I want to create a viz that represents analysis of ongoing conversations at intersection of 2 fields

A way of doing Sketchnoting and Graphic Recording to erase perceived separations between concepts or to break down rigid boundaries between concepts

A way of doing sketchnoting where you play with layout, colour, type, iconography in a way that helps visualize blending of concepts, that enables a summary that goes beyond disciplinary classifications and helps see continuity between seemingly separate ideas
A visualization that depicts an idea at intersection of these two 
- Fields related to visualisation research and practice (graphic, info design, ui)
- Fields related to how we conceive, tinker, experiment and imagine concepts (philosophy of mind, philosophy of science)
Then a visualization that depicts an idea at intersection of these two  
- Fields related to how we conceive, tinker, experiment and imagine concepts (philosophy of mind, philosophy of science)
- Fields related to how we conceive of teaching, learning (philosophy of education)
Then a visualization that depicts an idea at intersection of these two  
- Fields related to how we conceive of teaching, learning (philosophy of education)
- Fields related to orienting our values towards equitable education (sociology of education, anarchism, open pedagogy, critical pedagogy)
And finally a visualization that depicts an idea at intersection of these two 
- Fields related to orienting our values towards equitable education
My project

Dynamic Interactive Visualization principles, techniques and philosophy to cultivate imagination in teaching, learning and research for invention and discovery using graphic design and information design.

« Interested in creating a comprehensive curriculum that merges graphic design, information design, and Ul design with various fields such as Philosophy of Education, Sociology of Education, Philosophy of mind, Cognitive Science

« Interested in conducting phenomenological research to explore the essence of educational experiences and develop habits and routines conducive to pedagogical creativity and personal growth. Overall goal i to cultivate imagination in teaching, learning, and research for invention and discovery, with a focus on dynamic interactive visualizations.

« By synthesizing my interests in graphic design, information design, Ul design, and dynamic interactive visualization with the various fields of education and cognition

Just realized the answer to this...The Manga Guide to Series



Raghav Agrawal
Independent interface design researcher. Writing a book on designing novel interactive visual abstractions (novel ui concepts) for new ways of learning, teaching, explaining, discovering, inventing things online
317 followers543 following3.2k posts