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Here for the science and because of the still ongoing pandemic. Tweets in Swedish and English. @inneiennyfas on Twitter, Instagram, and Mastodon
153 followers103 following201 posts

I demand:

1) That respiratory protection (FFP2/FFP3/N95/N99) be made mandatory in healthcare and social care, just as hand hygiene is today, to ensure patient safety for all.

2) That schools and other public buildings are guaranteed the same high standard of air quality that members of parliament have arranged for themselves with our tax money.

3) That COVID-19 vaccines be made fully available to all age groups for whom the vaccines are approved.

If you agree, please feel free to join the demonstration, or support by retweeting the thread! Thank you!!

I demonstrate because neither the politicians, the authorities, nor the medical establishment are taking the current risks of COVID-19 seriously enough, and because the media has failed in its investigative role in this matter.

Several professional groups — with a few individuals as exceptions — have significantly underperformed since the start of the pandemic and need to reflect on their roles in society:

Infection control professionals need to start caring about infection control.
State epidemiologists need to update themselves on epidemiology. 
Public health agencies need to start working for public health.
Doctors need to educate themselves on diseases they lack knowledge of.
Politicians need to start acting for the good of the population.
And journalists need to start practicing journalism worthy of the name. The public needs to be offered scientifically accurate information about what is happening and what can be done about it.

Please support by retweeting! Thank you!!
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Here for the science and because of the still ongoing pandemic. Tweets in Swedish and English. @inneiennyfas on Twitter, Instagram, and Mastodon
153 followers103 following201 posts