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Photo from my collection - the seller said it was from 1964 but I don’t know where they got that date. Anyway, it has not been filtered or modified by me, whether by accident or on purpose it was overexposed to wonderful effect.

Black and white photo of a young boy in a striped shirt, possibly pajamas, looking at the camera and holding up a beautiful shorthaired black cat. He’s holding the cat all wrong, unfortunately, having grabbed it around the rib cage with no support for its hind legs and butt. Frustration and discomfort shows on the cats face, but you can see that the situation is temporary and the cat is in no real danger. The boy and background are quite white and blown out, but this level of exposure meant that the dark cat was captured perfectly instead of details being lost.

Everyone is posting introductions - I guess I should, too? I'm Molly and I post old cat photos with ALT text and links to sources/credit unless it's a found photo from my personal collection. Not a bot. Not a scammer. Just a keeper of forgotten cats (and my perfect tiny friends, Fergus & Francie).

Photo of my two fluffy cats, Fergus and Francie. They are squished together in a cat bed. Fergus is a large brown tuxedo tabby gazing calmly at the camera with his forelegs wrapped around his sleeping petite white sister Francie. She is snoozing peacefully with her face pressed into his chest.

Oh, this is what I mean when I say something is from "my collection" - large albums containing hundreds of Actual Old Things, not digital images. Also figurines, tin boxes, and other small bits of ephemera.

Three large black photo albums with black pages open on a table, displaying photos and postcards that are held on by little old fashioned black photo corners.

This photo says “Edna Wilke” on the back and I hope that was the name of the kitten. Photo from my collection, ca. 1950s.

Black and white closeup photo of a shorthaired white kitten with striking blotches of black fur on its face and head. It’s a great shot of a beautiful kitten, looks like it may have been taken by a professional.

“Maori woman with cat and kittens” Ca. 1909.

Black and white photo of a beautiful young woman with dark skin and black hair. She's wearing a loose blouse and skirt, sitting cross legged on grass. In her lap is a shorthaired tabby and white cat with a full tabby and a tabby and white kitten playing in the fabric of her skirt.

Everyone knows the Bluesky butterfly should really be a cat.

A stock image of a placid blue sky with a few puffy clouds. In the center, cloud textures have been digitally manipulated to resemble a sitting cat with long tail. You can faintly make out the "adobe stock" watermark.

I know you signed up for cats but check out this sweet penguin. Ca. 1780-1860.

Etching of black ink on cream colored paper. A tuxedo cat is sitting on the cushion of a wooden chair, but he's up on its haunches with forepaws dangling down, like a rabbit looking for danger. His black back, white tummy, and upright position make him resemble a penguin.

“The young novelist” 1804.

Highly detailed etching of a young woman. It would be a pretty standard portrait of a young lady with a dreamy expression touching her cheek with her left hand while pointing to a novel she's holding in her right, but what makes it special is that there is a kitten sitting on her shoulder energetically attacking her beaded necklace with both forepaws. One can't help but project a feeling of "You are so annoying but I love you" tolerance into the woman's expression.

“Just we two” Postcard from my collection. Copyright 1907, mailed 1909. This is by C.E. Bullard, my favorite of the Victorian/Edwardian cat photographers. He seemed to genuinely love cats and didn't restrain them or cram them into tiny costumes.

Black and white photo of two white cats on a cushion or folded blanket. A shorthaired adult cat is on the right while a fluffy long haired white kitten is snuggled into her on the left. They appear to be a cozy mother and kitten, cuddled and relaxed.
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