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The real jbouie. Columnist for the New York Times Opinion section. Co-host of the Unclear and Present Danger podcast. b-boy-bouiebaisse on TikTok. National program director of the CHUM Group. Send me your mutual aid requests. Email: jamelle.bouie@nytim
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i have largely stopped arguing about this on social media because it isnā€™t fruitful, but this finding gets to why you should be skeptical of theories that try to sideline or excise race from an explanation of the white rural turn toward reactionary politics

Growing rural-urban divide exists only among white Americans | Cornell Chronicle
Growing rural-urban divide exists only among white Americans | Cornell Chronicle

Researchers have found that when it comes to politics, Black and Latino residents of rural America differ far less, if at all, from their urban counterparts than do non-Hispanic white residents.


It's always been about, and will always be about, race and other obvious superficial differences between human populations and cultures. The basics of human nature do not change; they must be relearned and resisted anew in every generation.


We all know the ā€œothersā€, black folks, arenā€™t thriving, either. Itā€™s really kind of the winding down of superpowerdom for the US. The jobs of the rural have been outsourced for cheaper labor and the people responsible for that help to blame the ā€œothersā€ and not themselves for these policies


People forget that this country was ā€œmade for white peopleā€. Meaning, a lot of people believe that the benefits of this nation should ONLY go to them and not the others - so when these people struggle and everywhere they turn they see the others ā€œthrivingā€, then itā€™s a problem, but


There was a whole weird narrative about black & Hispanic folks voting for Trump. With black and Hispanic cousins in Georgia & California I asked. In my unscientific polling of relatives it was a made media gimmick to give the horserace a non-racial bothsidsm. After all how would it look otherwise?


Yep! Not the only proxy for race either.


white militias have been rising in small, extremely predominantly white rural towns for over a decade and tho the urban/rural divide is real it is definitely fueled by cultural identities centered on race. why does a town of 5000 whites with 100 *combined* blacks/latins/asians even need militias?!


And this is why white people love the electoral college so much.

0 just did an episode abt Peggy Noonan where they touched on this topic due to her past pieces asserting the economic anxiety theory as an explanation for increasing reactionary fervor. Centrists really want to believe racism doesnā€™t exist anymore despite overwhelming evidence.


A lot of duh going on


I agree, but the fact they think the reason needs more study is astounding. They didnā€™t mention racism. And this point is flabbergastingā€¦I mean what? Itā€™s peer pressure, not being revolted by that racist white party? Ok.

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The real jbouie. Columnist for the New York Times Opinion section. Co-host of the Unclear and Present Danger podcast. b-boy-bouiebaisse on TikTok. National program director of the CHUM Group. Send me your mutual aid requests. Email: jamelle.bouie@nytim
180.2k followers449 following8.8k posts