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Jerry Shannon
Geographer working at University of Georgia. Community geography, critical GIS, health, food systems, housing. Website:
147 followers177 following43 posts

Reposting from the other place.


Been through Swannanoa several times. This whole situation is just so tragic and we for sure don't know the full losses. But we do know our climate will continue to produce more extreme events.

Reposted by Jerry Shannon

There's a lot of dialogue about Bluesky being a progressive echo chamber or whatever. But to me, a reporter who's neither racist nor insane, it's currently the best Twitter replacement because Twitter serves me nonstop racist and insane stuff and Threads won't do breaking news. Truly that simple.


Waking up in the eye of tropical storm this morning. Grateful to have power but aware that neighbors to the east weren't so lucky.

Reposted by Jerry Shannon

"even if data are quantitative and numerical, the ways in which they are analysed and, to a greater extent, the inferences made from this analysis, will vary depending on who the researcher is." I LOVE this paper, which talks about reflexivity in quant, not qual, research

Reflexivity is the act of examining one's own assumption, belief, and judgement systems, and thinking carefully and critically about how these influence the research process. The practice of reflexivity confronts and questions who we are as researchers and how this guides our work. It is central in debates on objectivity, subjectivity, and the very foundations of social science research and generated knowledge. Incorporating reflexivity in the research process is traditionally recognized as one of the most notable differences between qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Qualitative research centres and celebrates the participants' personal and unique lived experience. Therefore, qualitative researchers are readily encouraged to consider how their own unique positionalities inform the research process and this forms an important part of training within this paradigm. Quantitative methodologies in social and personality psychology, and more generally, on the other hand, have remai
Reposted by Jerry Shannon

"The means of escape from the failures of theory is to change the question from knowing to doing[....], to engage in a dialogical effort to build the world we collectively wish to inhabit" Still (after 15 years) navigating my relationship to theory as well.

Reposted by Jerry Shannon

It is meet-the-team Friday! This week, we introduce you to one of our founders, she supervises and co-edits all of our work.

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Jerry Shannon
Geographer working at University of Georgia. Community geography, critical GIS, health, food systems, housing. Website:
147 followers177 following43 posts