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Jill Weinberger
TV Writer/Producer (mostly heists & fire, see IMDb). Geek, mouthy dame, cat serf. I enjoy puzzles, karaoke, marginally competent crafting, & murder TV. TERFs, racists, antisemites, homophobes, etc - this is not the feed you're looking for. (she/her, grey)
1.3k followers458 following4.2k posts

And yes, (sigh) obligatory: genocide is worse than hateful words. If we ask you not to use "Zionist Occupied Government" we're not asking you NOT to object to war crimes. We're just asking you to do it in ways that don't spread thinking that leads to things like the Tree of Life shooting.


Thank you

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Jill Weinberger
TV Writer/Producer (mostly heists & fire, see IMDb). Geek, mouthy dame, cat serf. I enjoy puzzles, karaoke, marginally competent crafting, & murder TV. TERFs, racists, antisemites, homophobes, etc - this is not the feed you're looking for. (she/her, grey)
1.3k followers458 following4.2k posts