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J Matonak
Post-mature anti-fascist. Cis. Disabled. Bespectacled. He/him. Born 197X. Here to socialize. Possibly bad at socializing. banner: unknown comics character, distraught, saying "wasting my life is taking forever!"
282 followers722 following1.8k posts

this isn't quite the same thing, but i want an alternate universe where everything is the same except *katherine* is "corsair" and leads the starjammers i'm getting shalla bal as the silver surfer in the next ff movie, so this is my new wish


I'd read that AU. But I don't want an AU. I want Katherine Summers in the regular timeline. :-) Just to introduce more chaos. I'd like to think it resolves with a threesome with Corsair and Hepzibah, because like parents, like son, when it comes to love triangle resolved with claws.

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J Matonak
Post-mature anti-fascist. Cis. Disabled. Bespectacled. He/him. Born 197X. Here to socialize. Possibly bad at socializing. banner: unknown comics character, distraught, saying "wasting my life is taking forever!"
282 followers722 following1.8k posts