Jo Sharp
Materials Scientist & TEM messer-abouter-with at University of Huddersfield (views own)
38 followers39 following157 posts

Project of doom update: Manchester's FIB is broken. And now our FIB is broken too. Both are broken in a "Thermofisher need to visit" kind of way. But that's ok because the TEM is broken too. The project ends in 33 days. Ahahaha fuck it


Oh for the love of I proactively secured Royce Institute FIB access and sent the sample off to Manchester Meanwhile on Tuesday somebody who DOESN'T WORK THERE ANYMORE silently went to the lab, fixed our FIB, and three people who knew I needed it separately DIDN'T TELL ME IT WAS FIXED until now.


We went to EMC and the conference, and Copenhagen, were great. Then we went to Sicily which was also mostly great, though hot. Now we are back and I drove all the way to Hudds only to find the FIB is broken, just after everybody who fixes stuff got made redundant. BRILLIANT


We are in Copenhagen for EMC! I forgot how nice Denmark is...


Oh ok My project wouldn't bring enough ££ into the department at Sheffield to be allowed a PhD student funded by them. I don't have industrial match funding so I can't have SATURN students. Sooo guess I am doing it by myself then? Does that make me look not leader-y enough to get shortlisted?


Between when I got fired and when I got rehired, my boss seems to have forgotten how disability works. No. I cannot drastically upend the week because an instrument is suddenly free when I am already in burnout from what you made me do last week. I HAVE a PLAN already.


Somebody said something really nice about my sciencing where they thought I might not see, and it was passed on to me, and today I will be smiling all day long 🥰


This morning I found, caught in the netting of the cabbage patch, the fattest slug I have ever seen, who had eaten the hearts of the best cabbages and made itself so fat it didn't fit through the hole it came in. HA. Hoist by your own petard, Cabbage The Hut.


Oh man University restructuring. Our group doesn't appear in the proposed future structure of engineering. What is happening? I was on annual leave when the presentation happened and I have no idea what is going on. Group meeting later.


2024 Oh My God Award for world's most annoying abstract submission goes to EMC 2024 for making us use a Word template and then copy and paste the text into a plaintext window where you have to use special characters from a GUI that every time sends you to the bottom of the text window 🫠😱🏆

Jo Sharp
Materials Scientist & TEM messer-abouter-with at University of Huddersfield (views own)
38 followers39 following157 posts