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Johannes Sterba
Physicist, working in radiochemistry and radioanalytical methods like INAA, archaeometry and nuclear safety and security
25 followers106 following4 posts

Schon ganz schön stolz, dass wir gestern den Best Lecture Award der TU Wien für unsere VO Physikalische Messtechnik I bekommen haben. Es freut mich, diese Wertschätzung von der Unileitung und den Studierenden zu bekommen!

Ein Pokal in Form der TU Eule und ein Zertifikat, dass wir den Best Lecture Award bekommen haben
Mein Eulenpokal und ich
Reposted by Johannes Sterba

happy (lunar) new year! year of the dragon . from tehanu by ursula k le guin

[text from tehanu by ursula k le guin]   So this is the story she sang to him, to Ogion.
 “When Segoy raised the islands of the world from the sea in the beginning of time, the dragons were the first born of the land and the wind blowing over the land. So the Song of the Creation tells. But her song told also that then, in the beginning, dragon and human were all one. They were all one people, one race, winged, and speaking the True Language.
 “They were beautiful, and strong, and wise, and free.
 “But in time nothing can be without becoming. So among the dragon-people some became more and more in love with flight and wildness, and would have less and less to do with the works of making, or with study and learning, or with houses and cities. They wanted only to fly farther and farther, hunting and eating their kill, ignorant and uncaring, seeking more freedom and more.
[text from tehanu by ursula k le guin]  “Others of the dragon-people came to care little for flight, but gathered up treasure, wealth, things made, things learned. They built houses, strongholds to keep their treasures in, so they could pass all they gained to their children, ever seeking moreincrease and more. And they came to fear the wild ones, who might come flying and destroy all their dear hoard, burn it up in a blast of flame out of mere carelessness and ferocity.
 “The wild ones feared nothing. They learned nothing. Because they were ignorant and fearless, they could not save themselves when the flightless ones trapped them as animals and killed them. But other wild ones would come flying and set the beautiful houses
[text from tehanu by ursula k le guin] afire, and destroy, and kill. Those that were strongest, wild or wise, were those who killed each other first.
 “Those who were most afraid, they hid from the fighting, and when there was no more hiding they ran from it. They used their skills of making and made boats and sailed east, away from the western isles where the great winged ones made war among the ruined towers    “So those who had been both dragon and human changed, becoming two peoples-the dragons, always fewer and wilder, scattered by their endless, mindless greed and anger, in the far islands of the Western Reach; and the human folk, always more numerous in their rich towns and cities, filling up the Inner Isles and all the south and east. But among them there were some who saved the learning of the dragons-the True Language of the Making-and these are now the wizards.
[text from tehanu by ursula k le guin]  “But also, the song.said, there are those among us who know they once were dragons, and among the dragons there are some who know their kinship with us. And these say that when the one people were becoming two, some of them, still both human and dragon, still winged, went not east but west, on over the Open Sea, till they came to the other side of the world. There they live in peace, great winged beings both wild and wise, with human mind and dragon heart. And so she sang 

Farther west than west
beyond the land
my people are dancing 
on the other wind.
Reposted by Johannes Sterba

Mir hat unlängst eine Redakteurin erzählt dass Clickbait Titel der klare Auftrag in der Redaktion ist, „aber im Text soll dann alles stimmen“.. Solange Klicks die entscheidenden Kennzahlen für die Monetarisierung sind wird sich daran auch nix ändern.


A recent article on fulminating gold (Knallgold) led to my pictures being used again!


My two sample changers set up and ready for a night shift. Tomorrow I'll have NAA data on almost 100 archaeological samples ready 😊

Two lead shields that are brightly lit in an otherwise dark laboratory with cables and pipes leading away
Reposted by Johannes Sterba

Finding it hard not to agree to projects/commitments you don’t really have capacity for? Here are some handy phrases for politely saying no #AcademicSky#PhDSky

Reposted by Johannes Sterba

Three apps for generating custom academic word clouds based on your own publications can all be found at now. I hope no corporate entities force me to change it by a single letter once again because that was a PITA. Please share if you think your followers will find them useful.

scholar googler
scholar googler

Where Scholars go to Google themselves

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Johannes Sterba
Physicist, working in radiochemistry and radioanalytical methods like INAA, archaeometry and nuclear safety and security
25 followers106 following4 posts