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Jonathan Chaloff
International Migration Division OECD but personal account. 99% posts related to visa/permit policy, employment, integration, population, stats, evaluations. Previously worked at McDonalds
47 followers60 following44 posts

Most countries have labour market tests before authorising work permits for foreigners. But do these work??? What happens if we cancel them? (I spend a LOT of time on this question) Finally, a study of effects of lifting the LMT on flows & earnings!

Regulating Labor Immigration: The Effects of Lifting Labor Market Testing - Työn ja talouden tutkimus LABORE
Regulating Labor Immigration: The Effects of Lifting Labor Market Testing - Työn ja talouden tutkimus LABORE

Tarkastelemme ulkomaalaisen työvoiman saatavuusharkinnan poistamisen vaikutuksia Suomessa hyödyntäen alueellista vaihtelua saatavuusharkinnasta vapautetuissa ammateissa. Käytämme yksilö- ja yritystaso...


A reminder to be very careful with your logframes, you don't want to end up being Box 10 of the European Court of Auditors report on the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF)


One observation is that offering tax relief to a broad range of migrants is rare. Portugal's tax relief for non-habitual residents (NHR) was worth almost €1bn in 2020. Most eligibility ended this year. But the *targeted* relief remains. 6/

Chart showing number of beneficiaries of "non-habitual resident tax relief" in Portugal, 2009-2020. Number is close to zero from 2009-2012 but rises sharply to hit almost 12,000 in 2019 before declining to 9,000 in 2020.

Difficulty in figuring out cost/benefit may be why so many "tax relief for migrants" programmes in OECD countries change so often - rolled back, adjusted, contingented, sunset... And the idea keeps coming back 5/

Germany mulls new tax rebates for skilled foreign workers
Germany mulls new tax rebates for skilled foreign workers

The German government wants to grant skilled foreign workers tax relief if they take up employment in Germany. But some critics have described the idea as "socially explosive."


Public evaluation of tax reliefs for migrants is scarce/absent. Targeted programmes can attract more workers (Kleven, Stantcheva, Landais, Muñoz; Timm, Giuliodori, or increase productivity (Malchow-Møller,Munch, Skaksen) But how to target? 4/


OECD countries offer different types of tax relief for migrants. Flat tax - 6 countries Exemptions - 10 countries (example Sweden below) Deductions - 5 countries These aren't massive programmes numerically, but they aren't insignificant and can look costly. 3/

Image of chart showing Grants of tax relief by category, 2012-
2023, Sweden, climbing from about 600 annually in 2012 to 1300 in 2023.

The Italian "impatriate" regimes: average unadjusted relief for beneficiaries is now about €30K/year. (Bassetto & Ippedico 2024 say: eligible more likely to return) So did the regime *bring* 240 million in tax in 2021? Or would those people have come anyway, so relief *cost* 700 million? 2/

Chart showing increasing number of beneficiaries of the Italian "Impatriate" tax regime, 2011-2021, from about 2,000 to more than 22,000

"You couldn't pay me to move there". Yet many OECD countries do just that: offer tax relief for migrants and returning nationals. Does it work? Is it worth the cost? This brief explores the question 1/

Screenshot of the first page of OECD Migration Policy Debate No. 35 "Why do OECD countries offer tax relief programmes to attract foreign migrants and returning nationals?”



What we can learn from experiences of return migration - spontaneous, assisted, forced, etc. - to inform policy development in migration and development? What role of family, community? 31.1.24 14h CET To get link to hear findings from 4 workshops & new research, see alt-text

Invite to the launch event of OECD report on "Return, Reintegration and Re-migration: Understanding Return Dynamics and the Role of Family and Community".
31.1.24, 14h-15h15 CET, Zoom.
During the event, the OECD Secretariat will present the main findings of the report. There will be discussion where participants can share perspectives on the implications of the report and potential avenues for action. 
Please confirm your attendance by sending an e-mail to return&
The zoom link and detailed agenda for the launch event will be sent to you.
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Jonathan Chaloff
International Migration Division OECD but personal account. 99% posts related to visa/permit policy, employment, integration, population, stats, evaluations. Previously worked at McDonalds
47 followers60 following44 posts