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Jonathan Chaloff
International Migration Division OECD but personal account. 99% posts related to visa/permit policy, employment, integration, population, stats, evaluations. Previously worked at McDonalds
48 followers60 following44 posts

How do OECD countries respond to domestic violence against migrants? Many offer special visas or conditions, but protection of survivors varies in terms of eligibility, duration and other aspects. This brief compares and analyses these protections.

Cover Page: Migrants, especially women, are particularly at risk of violence and abuse. Among the social and economic factors making women vulnerable to gender-based violence, including within the private or family sphere, is their migration status. Partly spurred by international human rights instruments, OECD countries are taking action to protect victims/survivors and empower migrant spouses and families who have experienced domestic violence. Beside prosecuting or convicting perpetrators, many OECD countries have reformed or adapted immigration legislation to both encourage victims to report domestic violence and to support law enforcement authorities in their efforts to prosecute gender-based crimes.
This Migration Policy Debates gives an overview of the range of protection available for migrants who have experienced domestic
violence in OECD countries. The brief also addresses the shortcomings surrounding migration procedures and provides some policy

There will almost certainly be more migrants in Korea in 10 years, although it’s hard to say how many. “Planning” is about more than numbers. What are the issues which will have to be addressed? Some of these questions covered in this interview. 9/9

"외국인 가사근로자 오면 출산율 오른다고? 일부 상류층만 이용할 것"
"외국인 가사근로자 오면 출산율 오른다고? 일부 상류층만 이용할 것"

초저출생 문제 해결을 위해 도입되는 ‘외국인 가사근로자’ 제도가 실제로는 출산율을 높이는 데 도움이 되지 않을 것이라는 분석이 나왔습니다. 2023...


(and even if migrants doing housework boost native fertility slightly, if housekeepers aren’t having children, that lowers the overall rate - unless we ignore the migrants) 8/9

Icons showing 4 professional women and 2 babies, then 4 professional women, 2 housekeepers, and 2.5 babies.

(Obligatory side note: Korean men do relatively less housework than in most other OECD countries – increasing this might be another means to substitute women’s housework?) 7/9

Time spent on unpaid work by partnered men and women aged 25-44 with at least one child aged 0-17 , in minutes per day, latest year available 
Shows gap between men and women: big everywhere but especially in Korea
Source: OECD (2016) Dare to Share: Germany's Experience Promoting Equal Partnership in Families,

Meanwhile a Korean government pilot visa for foreign housekeepers is meant to boost fertility Thin literature on migrant impact on native fertility (citing D. Furtado et al.) But *introducing* migrant domestic workers specifically to boost fertility is… unusual 6/9


In Korea, despite wage threshold for family reunification, labour migrants can still have babies or form family with each other Long-term social/demographic consequences of labour migration not on radar Have to plan for that! Benefit system based on citizenship, so migrants=poor 5/9

KPF2023 1부 - 기조 발제 2 ㅣ이주 계획 : OECD 국가의 정책 의도 및 실제 결과 #��...
KPF2023 1부 - 기조 발제 2 ㅣ이주 계획 : OECD 국가의 정책 의도 및 실제 결과 #��...

2023 대한민국 인구포럼1부 기조 발제 2ㅣSession1 - Keynote Speech 2▶ 조나단샤로프 OECD 수석정책분석관▶ 이주 계획 : OECD 국가의 정책 의도 및 실제 결과모��...


Korea raised annual quota in 2023 for temp workers to stay (E-7-4) from 2K to 35K That could immediately more than double the number of E-7 workers Who can potentially stay indefinitely (But to bring family or become permanent residents, they must meet income thresholds) 4/9

Korea: E-7-4 Skilled Worker Visa Conversion annual quota (from non-professional worker)
Shows increase in 2023 of bridge from E-9 to E-7-4.
Source: Korea Immigration Service. Stock includes all categories of E-7; until 2022, most were E-7-1. 2023 stock is 10/31/23. See also OECD (2019), Recruiting Immigrant Workers: Korea 2019,

Foreign-born population increased by about 50% 2012-2022, to 3.5% of population Planned labour migration already expanding in #Korea Record entry quotas for low-skill jobs in 2024: 165K To meet youth cohort gap, expect more to come 3/9

Quotas and actual entries, E-9 non-professional workers, Korea, 2012-2024, thousands
Shows steady quotas 2012-2022 then boom in 2023-2024
Source: Ministry of Employment and Labor. Admissions 2023 through 10/23. See also OECD (2019), Recruiting Immigrant Workers: Korea 2019,

What’s in the "national interest" right now (according to government) is securing labour to meet current short-term shortages, so the planning focus is on identifying immediate needs With a shrinking youth cohort, the list of shortages keeps growing 2/9

E-9 visa holders to be able to work in restaurants starting next year
E-9 visa holders to be able to work in restaurants starting next year

The change in visa policy comes as part of one of 167 regulatory reforms Prime Minister Han Duck-soo announced on Wednesday. The reforms aim to support small and medium-sized business owners and facil...


Korea Population Forum 2023 discussed “migration planning” Why? Falling birth numbers and "risk of extinction“ are hot policy topics 1970 - 1m babies 2002 - 500k 2022 - 250k TFR of 0.78 But what does "migration planning" mean? Let's take a look... 1/9

Screenshot of Prof Youngmi Shin 신영미 (Seoul Nat'l U.) presenting a slide showing the declining birth numbers in South Korea.
From the video at
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Jonathan Chaloff
International Migration Division OECD but personal account. 99% posts related to visa/permit policy, employment, integration, population, stats, evaluations. Previously worked at McDonalds
48 followers60 following44 posts