Jonathan Sumpton
Campaigning for migrant workers' & seafarers' fundamental and human rights Freedom of Movement increasingly looks like a vehicle for the continued exploitation of Slav labour by richer EEA nations I fear Europe blew its chance
13 followers19 following385 posts

UK bands need gigs and venues in the UK to learn their trade before touring ex UK Venues that were hanging on by the skin of their teeth went under as heating, energy, booze became more dear, people became more skint and went out less plus covid The music shops also closing down says it all


Yeah was trying to explain to 20 Yr old son the joys of flicking through records and while he got the romanticism, the fact that they never had everything or that you couldn't preview them all at a click seemed lacking to him...

Jonathan Sumpton
Campaigning for migrant workers' & seafarers' fundamental and human rights Freedom of Movement increasingly looks like a vehicle for the continued exploitation of Slav labour by richer EEA nations I fear Europe blew its chance
13 followers19 following385 posts