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Cars are still bad
No coffin please, just wet, wet mud
55 followers134 following324 posts

One of my PhD students was born in 2003


Republicans get nude and red about drag performers reading children stories and yet they are silent on the degree to which Doriander's fee-free lifestyle is being shoved down our children's throatRepublicans get nude and red about drag performers reading children stories and yet they are silent on the degree to which Doriander's fee-free lifestyle is being shoved down our children's throat


Many such examples, but nothing proves that normal people would be more competent at things than rich people than the curdled cream sinking to the bottom in sports ownership


I really thought New Yorkers were going to have to work really hard and organize to prevent a second Eric Adams term. I should have known that his Cop Brain was simply too powerful to even make it the next primary unindicted


first as tragedy, then as farce then as farce then as farce then as farce etc etcfirst as tragedy, then as farce then as farce then as farce then as farce etc etc


Ironically, the caning of Charles Sumner was just J6 but 170 years ago. Racist pro-slavery piece of shit commits heinous violence in the senate because someone had the temerity to save maybe slavery isn't great and said piece of shit doesn't even get expelled from the senateIronically, the caning of Charles Sumner was just J6 but 170 years ago. Racist pro-slavery piece of shit commits heinous violence in the senate because someone had the temerity to save maybe slavery isn't great and said piece of shit doesn't even get expelled from the senate


bring back beating the shit out of your opponent with a cane if they say anything even half as vile as what Higgins saidbring back beating the shit out of your opponent with a cane if they say anything even half as vile as what Higgins said


I have forgotten that Jason Heyward is an active player for at least 6 months at a time every year since 2019


Picturing being Keith Olbermannā€™s age and dating/living with a 21 year old Ann Coulter super fan. As a form of self harm


Re-shooting Alex Garland's Civil War to more accurately depict journalists. 87 OutFront guests diving directly in front of a bullet made out of merino wool bound for Olivia Nuzzi's forehead. 10 podcasters hound the president of IUPUI into suicide over being a little too catty to Mike PenceRe-shooting Alex Garland's Civil War to more accurately depict journalists. 87 OutFront guests diving directly in front of a bullet made out of merino wool bound for Olivia Nuzzi's forehead. 10 podcasters hound the president of IUPUI into suicide over being a little too catty to Mike Pence

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Cars are still bad
No coffin please, just wet, wet mud
55 followers134 following324 posts