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Joseph Brassey
He/Him. Bi & Bipolar. Author of THE DRIFTING LANDS series. PRINCE OF CLAY (2024). I fight with swords and sometimes draw stuff. Repped by Laura Zats of Headwater Literary.
389 followers191 following2.9k posts

I'm posting this story because maybe it can help with perspective if you've never lived through a horrible flood. I have, and what they're dealing with down there is way worse than what we did.


Some of my family members only survived because they happened to notice the rising waters early enough to get the hell out and make for high ground. My uncle basically grabbed his mother--who had trouble walking--and carried her up a hill, seconds ahead of the rising water.


The worst damage I saw was at my Aunt and Uncle's house, which was ruined. Another house on their street had come off its foundation and floated all the way across a field before coming to rest on a bunch of downed trunks. They were fishing dead cows out of trees for days.


I remember eventually being able to venture out again and seeing the devastation of pretty much the entire Lewis County area as I drove the backroads between Olympia and Centralia looking for a way for My wife to get home.


For the first 24 hours I couldn't leave the house. We were on the side of a hill above the flood-waters and my car couldn't make it through the water flooding the road (about 4 feet deep at that point).


In 2007 Centralia WA flooded so bad that I-5 was under 12-13 feet of water. There's a picture of a kayaker touching the bottom of the bridge with their hand while paddling underneath it. My wife and I had just gotten married and she was trapped in Tacoma for three days, staying at coworkers houses.

Reposted by Joseph Brassey

For the afternoon crowd! My mom needs to find a loving home for her dogs while she gets re-settled in the PNW. The dogs are a Bernese Mountain Dog and a German/Aussie Shepherd mix. They've been raised with cats and can go to different homes easily, but haven't been around kids. #Dogs#Dog


**My daughter, asking me how to untie a quadruple square knot she’s tied** **Me, slowly drawing a sword**: “let me tell you a story about a man named Alexander…”


Michael Chidester came up with this graphic showing the literal translations of German terms for medieval armor parts. I’m going to start calling my gloves hand-shoes from now on.

A picture of a suit of gothic armor with the German names and English translations for them listed beside. Most relevant is that the belly is called the belly band, the chauses are called the leg-thing, and the literal term for the glove is “handschuh” which means “hand-shoe.”
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Joseph Brassey
He/Him. Bi & Bipolar. Author of THE DRIFTING LANDS series. PRINCE OF CLAY (2024). I fight with swords and sometimes draw stuff. Repped by Laura Zats of Headwater Literary.
389 followers191 following2.9k posts