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John Sundman
Biodigital novelist, mover of heavy objects, volunteer firefighter (retired), national treasure. "Sundman figures it out!" :
673 followers1.9k following1.8k posts

Foreword, part 6 of 7:

My wife and I lived in that house in Gardner for nearly nine years. I confess that on perhaps three occasions I experienced a kind of eerie feeling. Once, sitting in an armchair next to the fireplace in the living room, reading a novel well past midnight, I even said out loud “I know you’re there” to an invisible visitor. After my family had moved out of Gardner I learned that my nine year old daughter and her best friend used to sometimes go up the back stairs, down the hallway and then down the front stairs just to avoid having to go through the dining room — because they felt something was “off” about that part of the house. But it wasn’t like poltergeist, or the Amityville Horror, for Pete’s sake. We lived there happily for nearly nine years.

Foreword, conclusion. end/

Yet the people who lived in the house after us put open bibles and crucifixes in every room and hired professional exorcists. What is one to make of that? Was my family just insensitive to ghosts, or were the new owners just very suggestible people? Who knows?

What I do know is nothing I experienced in that house was half as ghostly or disturbing as what I read in Only the Living Feel Remorse. Good luck!  

John Sundman

Martha’s Vineyard, 2024
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John Sundman
Biodigital novelist, mover of heavy objects, volunteer firefighter (retired), national treasure. "Sundman figures it out!" :
673 followers1.9k following1.8k posts