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jurídico do jurídico (fehzona)
Apenas o jurídico da minha própria firma. (pronomes femininos)
256 followers245 following258 posts

Essa imagem me causa profundo tesão, mas A DESCRIÇÃO DELA!!!!!

Gwendoline Christie, a tall, pale white woman with short honey blonde hair, her mouth accentuated with crimson lipstick. She is absolutely devastating in a flowing blue dress with a red belt that falls in such a way that it pools on the floor like a train and gives us a glimpse of one toned ivory calf. She is holding a champagne flute in one hand and squeezing the face of Oscar Isaacs in the other, pushing his head backward so that his wavy dark hair falls away from his face which looks as if he is experiencing bliss heretofore unknown to humans. the look on Gwendoline’s face is one of sternness, as if she is telling Oscar he has been bad and will need to work very very hard to make it up to her.

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jurídico do jurídico (fehzona)
Apenas o jurídico da minha própria firma. (pronomes femininos)
256 followers245 following258 posts