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James Webb - Everything That's Hot 🔥
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JWST/MIRI image of open cluster NGC 602. Processed by 🔭 🧪

An ethereal tapestry of gas and dust in the Small Magellanic Cloud.

This mid-infrared image, captured by the James Webb Space Telescope's MIRI instrument, unveils the hidden depths of NGC 602. Unlike a visible-light image, MIRI allows us to pierce through the dust, revealing the cool gas and dust clouds where stars are born.

The image is dominated by wispy filaments and tendrils in various shades of blue and pink. These colors represent the different temperatures of the dust and gas. The cooler gas appears in hues of blue, while warmer regions glow pink.

Embedded within these filaments are likely pockets of denser gas, potential cradles for future stars. However, unlike a NIRCam image, the intense light from young stars is faint in this mid-infrared view.

Overall, this MIRI image offers a unique perspective on NGC 602, showcasing the vast, cool interstellar medium where star formation takes place.

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James Webb - Everything That's Hot 🔥
7.4k followers0 following1.2k posts