Jym Dyer
If I get enough followers, do I qualify as a cult leader? For tax purposes? He/Hym/Not Me, Us 🖖 Fediverse: &
30 followers29 following431 posts

The state's "Highway Design Manual" has guidelines for building MUPs, including minimum widths to avoid conflicts, especially for cities with lots of pedestrian use. None of the ones I use come anywhere near these guidelines. So yeah, I go slow and I "ding" from way behind. 2/2


I think the ding from way behind is key. Gives plenty of warning, less likely to startle, gives people time to process the info. I really dislike people who grunt a sweaty "ONYERLEFT!" into my ear when they're already half-wheeling me (group rides excepted, when such behavior is expected.

Jym Dyer
If I get enough followers, do I qualify as a cult leader? For tax purposes? He/Hym/Not Me, Us 🖖 Fediverse: &
30 followers29 following431 posts