TJ || KaiAyala
pfp: saltyreart writer || oc obsessed || na'vipilled || 21
29 followers39 following26 posts

Shiala by aohonei (twt) #oc#navioc#avataroc#avatar


are there guidelines?


Jace & Shiala by Cj_KhalifP (twt) #oc#ocs#navioc#avataroc#avatar

Both agony and fright were already painted upon its face as it looked up at her from the ground, wide-eyed and trembling, a trail of blood dribbling down from just above the hairs of its right brow where her strike had broken its skin. The skin around the cut was turning quickly to an angry shade of red.

Mostly, it just looked stunned, as though nothing had ever quite struck it so hard. It raised a hand slowly and touched tentatively at the cut, blood coming away on its fingers and dribbling down its arm. By Eywa, how she wanted to just let it choke and leave it with the rest of its worthless ilk.

Her blood burning in her veins, Shiala threw its mask to the floor, bent over the demon and roughly grasped a fistful of its hair in her left hand, yanking its head back so that it looked her in her eyes with a pained yelp. Her right hand brought her dagger slowly and threateningly to its throat, pressing against the skin but stopping just shy of making the lethal cut, tempting as the prospect was.

Dazed, terrified, wounded, with its eyes wide and wild; Shiala could have drunk in the look on its face for every minute of every day, so glorious was it. But, she was aware, it needed its mask back so it didn’t die. So, regrettably, she had to be brief.

She shook its head violently by the hair, just to ensure its attention was entirely on her.

“Say that again and you will not live to regret it.”

Jace & Shiala by eggsntoast_ (twt) #oc#ocs#navioc#avataroc#avatar

Once the pa’li was well settled, Shiala turned to the demon which was looking up at it with the same fearful reverence that had been in his eyes when he had looked at her all that time ago in the forest. She reached down and lifted the demon roughly by its armpits and deposited it on the back of the pa’li before swinging nimbly up to seat herself behind it and taking a firm hold of it by the back of its collar.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” she warned. “It is a long fall . . . for you.”

It nodded its understanding stiffly, shuffling a little in its seat and placing both its bandaged hands before it on the pa’li’s back for support. Shiala was sure that, even if it did start to fall, she could catch it; it was just an effort she couldn’t be all too bothered to go to for so wretched a creature.

Forward, she thought, and her intent flashed across her tsaheylu bond with the pa’li. Slowly, it set off, ambling in the direction Shiala set it to, following Zau’we’s pa’li. What has befallen me? she mused quietly, staring off ahead. The demon was her prisoner, her hostage, eternally at her mercy. And what an odd feeling it was. When her blood had rushed with hate and excitement it had been so much more of a palatable prospect; now, she didn’t know. The pathway ahead was shrouded in fog, all she knew was to press onwards…

getting closerrrrr


no bigots no elon I can yap about my OCs all dayyyyyy


soooo just gonna post everything I have of my ocs because the tagging system makes it easy to find




are there restrictions on what I can say to them if they do appear?

TJ || KaiAyala
pfp: saltyreart writer || oc obsessed || na'vipilled || 21
29 followers39 following26 posts