Karen McGrane
On a good day, I make the web more awesome. On a bad day, I just make it suck less.
803 followers361 following75 posts

For the record, I am aware that the Daily Mail is the worst of the worst. That's why they are the only trusted source in gossip. I lived in NYC from the late 90s to mid 10s and there was a long period of time where reading The Post was just a normal and accepted part of living there


Are we doing this now? For the record I was like 45,000 on Twitter. Also if Bluesky wants us to share these the least they could do is provide the alt text

Bluesky celebrating 10 million users. I am number 228,149 and joined on July 3, 2023.

If you see this, quote-post with a beach from your gallery


NO IT ISNā€™T. Text messages are the worst form of political advertising.

Text message notification from +1 (833) 210-5625 reading ā€œKaren, itā€™s Barack Obamaā€ with a thumbnail image of former President Obama

I changed my mind, truncation is good, actually


Unlike you, I get my news from a reliable source:

Reposted by Karen McGrane

fine, fine, you all want hot young Tim Walz photos here you gofine, fine, you all want hot young Tim Walz photos here you go

Chadron grad gets royal treatm


The past year that Tim Walz aa
spent teaching school in China
was a very rewarding one, he
says. Ā„

ā€œNo matter how long I live,
Pll never be treated that well
again,ā€ said the 1989 Chadron
State College graduate. ā€œThey
gave me more gifts than I could
bring home. It was an excellent

Walz, who is from Butte,
Neb., was a part of the
WorldTeach program based at
Harvard University. He was
among the first American
teachers accepted into the prog-

He taught American history
and culture and English: in
Foshan, located in ā€˜southern
China. The school had about
2,400 students. He taught four
classes a day with about 65 stu-
dents in each class.

ALL THE students in his
classes had taken at least six
yearsof English. He also tried to
speak their language, and
would be applauded each time
he used a Cantonese word cor-
rectly. However, he said he had
great difficulty with ā€œMandarin
Chinese,ā€ another of their lan-
guages. because
q y bat 4
(Christina Counselor photo)

Norm and Barb Eitemiller of Chadron were presented with certificates
Em p | oyers of appreciation for cooperating and allowing their employees to attend Na-
tional Guard training. Shown with the Eitemillers is Lonnie Starke, com-
awarded mander of Alpha Battery in Alliance, and in back are Tim Walz, Gary
Shankland and Bud Boyer, all employees of Eitemillers Quik Stop and also

members of the Alliance National Guard unit.
Courtesy Photo

NEW STUDENT SENATORS ā€” These Chadron State College students are new members
of the Student Senate. In front, -from left, are Tina Clements, Rapid City, $.D., and Gall
Senter, Mitchell. In the second row are Nancy Schnell, Alllance; Dana Lawrence, Callo-
way; Susan Stam, Mullen; and Stephanie Chase, Casper, Wyo. In the back ore Susan
Wilson, Rushville; Wendy Wasserburger, Chadron; Jon Ford, Chadron; Ed Albright, Be
thel Park, Pa.; Loren Braman, Wood River; Tim Waiz, Valentine; David Hof, Holyoke

Colo.; and Catherine Meanza, Omaha

esse z ā€˜ Belinda inacinaniiirnae tora
STAMPS COVER THE ENVELOPE ā€” Tim Walz (right) holds an envelope which contains letters from

Chinese students to Walz's sixth grade social studies students. That many stamps were needed to make
sure the envelope arrived in Alliance. Some students asked to have a stamp for their collections.
Reposted by Karen McGrane

holy crap?

Karen McGrane
On a good day, I make the web more awesome. On a bad day, I just make it suck less.
803 followers361 following75 posts