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Kate Starbird
Professor at University of Washington, HCDE. Cofounder of the UW Center for an Informed Public. Researcher of online rumors and disinformation. Also, former basketball player (Stanford, ABL, WNBA).
11.1k followers1.3k following1.4k posts

Our team wrote up a rapid analysis of 2 rumors spreading that frame errors w/ absentee ballots as intentional voter suppression. We explain how those rumors are misleading: errors like that are rarely intentional, have remedies, and are unlikely to affect outcomes.

Election Rumor Research @ Center for an Informed Public
Election Rumor Research @ Center for an Informed Public

Welcome to the Election Rumor Research Substack by the Center for an Informed Public at the University of Washington, offering rapid research of rumors concerning election processes and procedures in ...


These two rumors spread primarily on the left side of the political spectrum (both were ballot errors that affected how the Harris/Walz ticket was presented on the ballot). A good reminder that distrust in election processes is bipartisan.

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Kate Starbird
Professor at University of Washington, HCDE. Cofounder of the UW Center for an Informed Public. Researcher of online rumors and disinformation. Also, former basketball player (Stanford, ABL, WNBA).
11.1k followers1.3k following1.4k posts